Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Psalms
EVERYTHING YOU DO WILL PROSPER. This includes everything: your family, your children, your marriage, your business, your ministry, your job and your health.
God's promises require responsible action from us. Many people want the promised results without responsible commitment.
- Practice regular meditation from the Bible. Take pleasure in the scriptures and let HIM be your guide (Ps 1:2).
- Look for the Lord in the morning. Expect Him to speak to your heart and spirit (Ps 5:3).
- Prioritize private or collective worship (Ps 5:7).
- Witness regularly to God's goodness in your life (Ps 29:1, 2).
- Choose a life of obedient discipline as a servant of God (Ps 40:6, 8).
The kiss is a sign of submission (1 Kings 19:18); therefore, the meaning here is "pay homage".
Living in holiness is radically different from the way we learn to live while in the world.
And because this living in holiness is not natural for us, we must have the supernatural assistance of the Holy Spirit. Living in holiness requires radical change. In our speaking, acting and thinking.
- Honor the Lord Jesus Christ in your speaking and acting.
- Refuse to react in anger. Leave it for the next day and allow time for proper reflection.
- Let God occupy your thoughts!
- Honor the Word! Think and speak in a way that you know is pleasing to God.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer! Psalm 19:14
Psalms 3:1-3

KEEP YOUR HEAD UP - Although in this life there are people who put us down, there are also those who lift us up. In Psalm 3: 1-3, the psalmist says that despite his extreme situation, he is not desperate or becoming depressed because his trust is in the Lord, the One Who makes him walk with his head held high.
Regardless of what is making us down, the Lord encourages us in all His words to lift our heads and hands and look at Him.
Regardless of how your life has gotten to this point, you only have two options. One is to give up and abandon everything; the other is to move forward. If you decide to move forward, you will once again have only two choices. One of living in constant depression and unhappiness; the other is to live with hope and joy.
Choosing to live with hope does not mean you woould not have problems, but that you have decided not to let them sink you. Instead you will lift your head to the Lord, who has promised to care for you and lead you to abundance and victory.
Thank God daily that He revealed Himself in His word, His will and His promises to you Psalm 19: 7-11.
Witness regularly to God's goodness in your life Psalm 29:1-2.
Choose to live your life in disciplined obedience as a servant of God. Sacrifice and offering thou dost not desire; but thou hast given me an open ear. Burnt offering and sin offering thou hast not required. Then I said, HERE I AM! In the roll of the book it is written of me. I DELIGHT TO DO THY WILL, O MY GOD; THY LAW IS WITHIN MY HEART Psalm 40:6-8.
Psalm 8:5

You are chosen by God who, according to Psalm 8:5, placed his crown of glory and honor, favor and excellence upon your Jewish/Christian head. You may not see your own crown, but it is there - just like the robes of righteousness in which you are clothed. You may not see His robes of righteousness or the crown of God's favor with your natural eyes, but they exist in the spiritual realm (see Isaiah 61:10). We need to remember that the natural man cannot discern the things of God because they are spiritually discerned (see 1 Corinthians 2:14).
One of the reasons we do not explore God's blessings is because we do not believe we deserve them. Another reason is because we were not taught that God's blessings can be ours and, consequently, we do not activate faith in this area. So we wander through life lost, picking up anything the devil throws at us without wanting to resist him and claim what is rightfully ours.
God's people must consciously BELIEVE that the Word of God is true and that God always acts in accordance with it.
Any situation we find ourselves in, is an opportunity to CHOOSE TO TRUST GOD rather than our own inclinations.
Faith involves an element of risk, but it is completely victorious.
DECIDE TO BELIEVE that He will never abandon you when you trust Him.
The promise of the LORD proves true; he is a shield for all those who take refuge in Him (Psalm 18:30).
COUNT ON THE PASTORAL CARE OF JESUS. Have absolute faith and quietly trust in God.
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1).
Consciously deliver daily all your plans to God.
Righteous lips are the delight of a king, and he loves him who speaks what is right (Proverbs 16:13).
Psalms 9:10

- God's people need to actively and CONSCIOUSLY believe that the Word of God is true and that God always acts in accordance with it.
- Any situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity to choose to trust God rather than our own inclinations.
- Decide to believe that the Lord will never abandon you when you trust Him.
- Know that the Wword of God has been shown to be worthy of trust (Psalm 12:6).
- Count on Jesus' pastoral care. Know that He will free you from needs, protect you and restore your life.
Psalms 9:10

The NAME is a poetic symbol for the totality of the person and the personality it represents. Here it represents the character of God's faithfulness.
- God's people needed to believe energetically and consciously that God's Word is true and that God always acts in accordance with it.
- Any situation we find ourselves in is an opportunity to choose to trust God rather than our own inclinations.
- Decide to believe that the Lord will never abandon you when you trust Him.
- God's Word has proven to be absolutely trustworthy.
- Count on the pastoral care of Jesus. Know that He will free you from needs, protect you, and restore your life.
Believe, trust and count on Jesus our shepherd!
- Blessed is not only the word at which this psalm begins, but also the essence of what is promised to those who read and meditate on every word.
- Divine counsel is a prerequisite for prosperity in its broadest sense.
- Constantly spending time with God results in a permanent change in our lives!
- And everything you do will prosper: that includes everything: family, your children, your marriage, your business, your ministry, your job and your health.
- It means that God intends to fulfill what He says: Everything will prosper.
Psalm 16:11

- We must learn to seek God's face and not just His hands. Seeking God for who He is, not just what He can do for us, assures us "full joy" and is vital to our victory as believers.
There are few sins that do not involve the tongue in any way. Fair speaking is the result of discipline and choice.
We easily talk a lot, in a hurried way it is free. Choosing to speak less is more carefully will result in fewer sins.
Choose to speak only what is correct. Commit to a holy conversation.
If thou triest my heart, if thou visitest me by night, if thou testest me, thou wilt find no wickedness in me; my mouth does not transgress (Psalm 17: 3).
Do not complain or grumble when in trouble. Cry out to God! Trust that He will hear and respond.
Keep your speech carefully. Know that righteous speech carries the promise of a long life (Psalm 34: 12-14).
- Verse 2. One day speaks of it to another day; one night reveals it to another night. Verse 3. Without speech or words, His voice is not heard. Verse 4. But His voice resounds throughout the land, and His words to the ends of the world. Psalms 104:1 to 4a.
- God speaks to everyone through the works of His hands. Even people who live outside the Lord's will know how to discern right from wrong and the reality of God, because Psalm 19:1 to 4 tells us that nature itself testifies to the power and plan of God.
- The main message that God conveys to us through nature is that He exists. The first words of the Bible give us the first lesson of faith: "In the beginning God…" Many people recognize that God exists, but hey have not learned to relate to Him daily. Through grace, God tries to reach us every day, and He places reminders of Himself everywhere. He leaves clues of Himself all around us, clues that clearly announce, "I'm here. You do not have to live in fear; you do not need to worry".
- Life is sometimes very complicated, but we can learn to enjoy simple but powerful and beautiful things that God created.
God dwells in the praises of his people. This means that he is comfortable in the midst of our sweet praises, but not in the midst of our bitter attitudes.
I encourage you to review your inner life because it is God's dwelling place. When God dwelt in the portable tabernacle that the children of Israel carried through the wilderness, they understood that the Holy of Holiest was a holy place. But now, in the mystery of God's plan, we are like a portable tabernacle; we move from place to place, and God lives within us. There is still an outer court, a holy place is a most holy place. The outer court is our body, the holy place is our soul, and the most holy place is our spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in our body.
When we look within, we are looking at the holy ground where the spirit of God wants to build his house. God is much more interested in our inner life than our outer life; we need to be more concerned with what goes on inside us than with our external behavior. Praise, worship and honor God with your inner life. When your inside is fine, your outside will be too!
At some point in our lives, we will pass through the valley of darkness and death, whether facing our own death, the loss of a loved one, or some other extraordinarily difficult occasion (see Psalm 23:4).
Are you or someone you love going through this valley right now? Remember: where there is darkness, there must be light - and the Light of the world, Jesus, has promised to be with you always. Ask Him right now to comfort and guide you, and know that He is walking with you in every situation.
God's people must consciously believe that the Word of God is true and that God always acts in accordance with it.
Any situation we find ourselves in, is an opportunity to choose to trust God rather than our own inclinations.
The figure of the pastor portrays the Lord as a guide, protector and constant companion.
I am the good shepherd, I know my sheep, and my own known me John 10:14.
- At some point in our lives, we will all pass through the valley of darkness and death, whether facing our own death, the loss of a loved one, or some other extraordinarily difficult time. Are you or someone you love going through this valley right now? Remember: where there is darkness, there must be light - and the Light of the world, Jesus, promised to be with you always. Ask Him right now to comfort and guide you, and welcome that He is walking with you in every situation.
In ancient cities they had gates around them. They were giant doors that were placed at strategic points in the walls surrounding the city.
These doors were always open in times of peace. These doors were suspended, held by ropes or chains. They were very heavy.
When the enemy approached, the ropes were cut, releasing the chains so that it would fall.
A herald was sent to announce the coming of the victorious king. He said in a loud voice: MARANATA! Expression that means in Aramaic: OUR KING COMES! And they were ordered to open the doors!
A beautiful young woman was looking for a husband. He found "Jacob". However, her parents did not agree with her marriage to him. He was not a responsible boy; did not work; he was not a good son; and, moreover, he was dominated by addictions. After all, he would not make a good husband. Her mother advised her to ask the Lord for guidance in prayer. And she asked God for a sign.
"Look, Lord. My answer will come tomorrow, at the first bell of the church bell. He will tell me whether or not he is the true Jacob."
With a fixed idea, she woke up with the ringing of the bell that seemed to say: "It's Jacob! It's Jacob!"
She got married. Early in the marriage, problems arose. And they came for real. He did not respect and assaulted her. So she decided to separate. And in prayer, she looked for the same sign: the ringing of the bell. Now she seemed to hear: "It's not Jacob! It's not Jacob!"
It is clear that she did not act correctly. God shows us in His Word His Will for us: Obeying parents and honoring them is a commandment and security for children. The Bible is the compass on life's journey. If things are alraedy pointing wrong, that is a clear sign. Asking for a sign is not from God and already indicates wrong things.
Listening to the heart is dangerous, because it is deceptive; but obeying the Word of God is wisdom.
Psalms 33: 12. Happy is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen to be His!
God gave this promise not just for eternity, but that we live today in peace and freedom!
We as a Church have the key (Jesus) that opens all doors to blessings. We are the light, through Jesus in us… we are the hand that the Lord uses to reach the lives of many.
There are few sins that do not involve the tongue in any way. A FAIR TALK IS THE RESULT OF DISCIPLINE AND CHOICE.
WE EASILY SPEAK A LOT, IN A SPEEDED AND FREE WAY. Choosing to speak less is more carefully will result in fewer sins.
- Choose to speak only what is correct. Commit to a holy conversation, Ps 17:3.
- Do not grumble and complain when in distress or difficulty. CALL TO GOD. Trust that He will hear and respond, Ps 18:6.
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).
What is in your hand and in your heart is the key to your glorious future!
Life is full of stress, especially for those who want to do something useful with their life and live with a sense of purpose.
The word is full of characters who felt themselves walking on unfamiliar ground. They felt inadequate for the task before them.
People like Mephibosheth who was a stranger in the king's house. Moses had difficulty speaking. David who was just a shepherd boy. Even the prostitute Rahab who had to choiced to betray her people to save her family and trust God she barely knew.
Strengthen your faith. Do not be shy about the "new". God is with you! Close the lions mouth, the devil. Advance in His strength!
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him, and he will act (Psalms 37:5).
- This verse has two interesting verbs:
Deliver and Trust.
- The psalmist asks us two things:
Deliver and Trust
and immediately thereafter he says, "BECAUSE GOD WILL DO."
- It is a kind of challenge, a test, you give (to the Lord), you trust (Him), after doing so, the psalmist says, you will see God's ACT.
- You fulfill two duties: Deliver and Trust.
And God concludes the rest. - Decide to believe that the Lord will never forsake you when you trust Him.
- CONSCIOUSLY daily hand over all your plans to Him.
Be still before the LORD, and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over him who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices! (Psalms 37:7)
We wait for it with patience (Romans 8:25). Patience removes anxiety. Everything is possible to the believer! When we believe, we know that all is well! The believer who expects God's action has nothing to fear!
- Decide to believe that the Lord will never leave
you when you trust in Him. - Know that God's word proved absolutely
Psalms 37:23

God will tell us the path to follow, but we are the ones who have to walk the walk. A walk with God unfolds one step of obedience at a time. Some people want the complete plan for their lives before making any decisions. God does not work that way; He leads us one step at a time.
By faith, we take the step God has shown us, and then He shows us the next step.
Sometimes we can fall, and we need to get up. We may stumble, but He always helps us. We continuen by His strength and grace knowing that every time we encounter a division in the road (a moment of decision), God will guide us.
When the Bible speaks of "pit" as in Psalm 40, I always think of the depths of depression. The psalmist David spoke many times that he felt like he was going down a pit and crying out to the Lord to rescue them and put his feet on solid, level ground.
Like David, no one wants to be in a pit of depression. It is a terrible place. I cannot think of a worse place to be. When we are deeply depressed, we feel bad enough like that. But the devil comes to increase our suffering by bringing thoughts about every negative thing imaginable. He reminds us of every disappointment we have had and tries to make us believe that nothing good will ever happen in our lives. His aim is to make us so unhappy and desperate that we shall never be able to get up again.
We need to resist our descent into the pit of depression. Be like David; cry out to God and let Him put your feet on a rock and bring stability to your life.
Psalm 42:1 tells us of a deer that longs for running, refreshing waters. On a hot day, knowing about water does not quench your thirst; only drinking the water can do that. The same is true of our longing for God. Have you ever wished you had more than just information about God? God wants you to experience who He is, and He will satisfy your desire to know Him intimately.
In Psalm 42:5, we see the sons of Korah struggling with depression. How did they handle that situation? Because it shows us what to do when we feel depressed.
As we examine this verse closely, we see that the sons of Korah have three distinct reactions to their feelings of depression. First, they ask their own souls, "Why are you so sad?" Then they give their own souls the following instruction: "Put your hope in God." Finally, they declare what they are going to do: "... I will still praise God; he is my Savior". We can say that the Korahites are talking to themselves.
We need to follow your same basic pattern of action when confronting depressive feelings to move from them to victory.
The Israelites were outnumbered (Deut 4:38) and were insufficiently armed (Deut 20:1). When they conquered the promised land.
Faith is a conscious choice to act according to what God says is true, and not a passive response by the Christian to his circumstances.
Like everything else, faith takes practice to grow and become strong.
Faith requires purity of commitment that takes us out of doubt and hesitation.
- When you are tempted to be afraid, CHOOSE TO TRUST GOD! (Ps 56: 3,4)
- DELIVER the concerns quickly to the Father, because He wants to carry them for you.
- Expect the Spirit of God to illuminate the scriptures to give you a clear path each day.
He (God) is our refuge. Our unique, invincible, accessible, retreat place.
His strength is sufficient, invincible, honorable and encouraging.
Always close, faithful, real and powerful is our God!
Be still, and know that I am God. I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth! Psalm 46:10
The only consideration: God is God, enough to silence ALL objections to His sovereignty (Jonathan Edwards).
- Being God, He is an absolute and infinitely perfect being.
- AS HE IS GOD, he is so great, that He is infinitely above all comprehension.
- As He is God, ALL things are His own.
- Because He is God, He is worthy and sovereign over all things.
- In Him being God, He will act as such.
- Because He is God, He is capable of revenge on those who oppose His sovereignty.
Be still! Trust Him! God bless you!
God is remarkably present with those who worship Him as He asks.
Cultivate a conscious hunger and thirst for God.
As the deer longs for flowing waters, so my soul longs for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God! (Ps 42:1-2)
Sing to God in your moments alone with Him. Practice verbal and joyful worship.
But I will sing praises to your strength, in the morning I will praise you for your faithfulness; for you are my high refuge, safe shelter in times of trouble. O my strength, I sing praises to you; You are, O God, my high refuge, O God who loves me (Ps 59:16)
Daily offer your life to God as a living sacrifice.
How are you doing? written: For your sake we are killed all day long: we are reckoned as sheep to be slaughtered. But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Rom 8:36).
BE QUIET! It is the voice of God addressing the warring heathen nations with a warning. In other words, "Stop and desist; I, God, will be exalted in victory; you have no chance of winning."
God will overcome Satan through the coronavirus in Covid-19, as long as Christians are ordained to be victorious and that the businesses already purchased are returned.
Psalms 46:10

- For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength (Isaiah 30:15).
- The men who spoke these words were not theoretical. They obtained personal evidence of God's powerful works, performed on behalf of those who expect Bethlehem.
- GOD HIMSELF IS NOT THEORETICAL, but has a special interest in what is vital and which produces spiritual results.
- The Lord invites us to know better, or better, TO PROVE THAT HE IS TRULY THE MIGHTY GOD! REMAIN CALM!
- The victory of Jericho. Those walls were broken down! (Joshua 6:20)
- The valley of blessing. King Jehoshaphat reports in 2 Chronicles 20, Jehoshaphat and his entire kingdom were in an extremely dangerous situation. Jehoshaphat focused on God, a pure and simple faith (2 Chr 20:12).
- When we humbly wait on God, He Himself takes care of our case.
- REMAIN CALM! This is not a call to silent worship, but you can BELIEVE that your victory will be GREAT! HE WILL BE EXALTED BETWEEN NATIONS!
Faith requires a purity of commitment that takes us out of doubt and hesitation.
- When you are tempted to be afraid, choose to trust God as an act of your will.
- Refuse to be afraid, and do it in a determined and prayerful way.
- Quickly hand over concerns to the Father, as He wants to carry them for you.
Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22). - Cast all your anxieties on Him, for he cares about you (1 Peter 5:7).
He is taking care of you!
Cast your burden on the LORD, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalms 55:22).
- When you are tempted to be afraid, choose to trust God as an act of your will, not as an answer to your emotions.
- Refuse to get scared, and do it firmly and go praying.
- QUICKLY DELIVER concerns and worries to God your Father, for He wants to carry them for you.
- Understand that the spirit of humility opens the way to the fullness of joy. God bless you!
Prayer is an ordinance of God that must be practiced both in public and in private.
Prayer is the sincere outpouring of the soul to God.
And you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart Jeremiah 29:13.
- Be a channel for the intercessory prayer of the Holy Spirit.
- Offer praise to God, be with a clean heart before Him.
- Do not fear the enemy satan, treat him aggressively.
- Approach God with an attitude of faith, worship and boldness.
When our strength is in God, the hardest places in life can turn into blessings; the valleys of weeping can become springs as verse 6 says “As they pass through the valleys of Baca (tears), they make it a place of springs.
Whenever you face a difficult situation or an occasion of sadness and despair, draw your strength from God. As you do this, you will find yourself going “from strength to strength” as Psalm 87:7 promises - They go on their way from strength to strength, until each presents himself to God in Zion.
Psalm 84:5, 7

When our strength is in God, the hardest places in life can turn into blessings; weeping valleys can turn into fountains. Whenever you face a difficult situation or a time of sadness and despair, draw your strength from God. As you do this, you will find yourself going "from strength to strength" as Psalm 84:7 promises.
Have you ever leaned over to allow a child to whisper something in your ear? God does this to us - He bends His ear to hear our every cry.
If you have ever felt like no one is listening to you, cheer up; God hears our every prayer, and He will be faithful to answer.
Mas a fé olha para trás, para as bençãos de Deus, para ganhar força.
Recite periodicamente todas as bençãos de Deus como uma fonte de encorajamento e fé (Psalms 103:2-4).
Ore ao Senhor por consolo quando você estiver angustiado por qualquer coisa. (Psalms 94:19)
Psalms 91:10

Enquanto durmo, tu montas guardas a volta de mim. NÃO DORMITAS NEM DORMES Ó GUARDA DE ISRAEL! DE TI VEM O MEU SOCORRO E PROTEÇÃO.
Tu me guardas de todo mal. Tu guardas a minha alma, meus sentimentos, pensamentos, vontades , de modo que me entrego ao repouso do sono sem temor.
Como te louvo! Porque enquanto durmo me provês o pão de cada dia!
Sempre tenho o Senhor diante de mim. Com Ele a minha direita, não serei abalado. Salmo 16:8
Vamos orar!
When we have the mind of Christ, our thoughts are full of praise and thanksgiving. When we complain, we open many doors for the enemy. Complaining - whether in thoughts or words - leads to a weak and powerless life, and can often bring physical ailments. Do you want to have a powerful life? Follow the advice of Psalm 100 - be grateful to God and say you are grateful. Understand that complaining is a death principle, but being grateful is a life principle that will bring joy to your daily living.
This passage of psalms reminds us of the time when the Israelites became insatiable and demanding. It warns us of the dangers of a greedy and lustful heart, for such a heart is never satisfied - and this is a dangerous spiritual state.
If people are not careful, they can waste their whole life always wanting what they do not have. For example, they fall in love and get married and then start thinking about everything that is wrong with their spouse, and they are still not happy, and so it is in many areas of life! They are always anxious for something and when they have it, they lose interest and want to go on to the next achievement.
Ask God to give you a heart that is satisfied and content at every point of your life's journey and that will enable you to handle the Lord's favors when they come.
Why is praising God a sacrifice?
The word "sacrifice" (gr. Thusia) is derived from the radical Thuo, a verb that means "to kill or murder for a purpose". PRAISE usually requires that we “kill” our pride, fear or laziness - anything that threatens to interfere with our praise to the Lord.
Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name (Heb 13:15).
God also wants our heart and not just verbal loyalty: HE WANTS OUR LOVE TO BE ALL OF HIM!
Develop disciplined practices that lead to that kind of life!
Psalms 107:22

God wants our heart and not just our verbal loyalty: HE WANTS OUR LOVE TO BE ALL HIS.
Use songs of praise as a way for personal gratitude.
Yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I WILL JOY IN THE GOD OF MY SALVATION Hab 3:18.
Although everything is wrong in Habakkuk's external world, he is jumping for joy because of his fellowship with Jehovah. He jumped for joy at the situation!
Rejoice in the Lord! The joy of the Lord is your strength!!!! God bless you! Everything will be all right in the name of Jesus!
Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress (Psalms 107:28).
- Even if everything in your life seems to fall apart or the doors seem to be closed. Faced with tribulation and anguish, PRAY!
- The adversities of life do not limit the greatness of God.
- THE PROMISES ARE NOT CANCELED. God is still God. He is faithful. No wall to pray to, trust!
If you decide to PRAY, you do not have to decide anything else! God will decide for you through prayer. So decide to PRAY!
Do you need a supply in an area of your life and are not really sure where it will come from? Take heart, because in Psalm 111:5 the psalmist records that God gave food to those who feared Him, for He always remembers His covenant. As long as we fear God, we will count on His provision.
Whatever your concern about your livelihood, mark Psalm 111:5 in your Bible. Meditate on it and even memorize it, because it is the key to meeting your needs. So when a need arises in your life, you will have hidden the Word of God in your heart, and it will strengthen you and help you to remain in faith, and not in fear.
The pastor went to visit an elderly lady, who was missing a lot of church services. She was not sick. Nothing significant will happen for her to leave the fervor of communion with her brothers.
Then, after a pleasant conversation, the minister asked to bring him the Bible, as he wanted to read a text to her. As he took the Word into his hands, the pastor said:
Look, here are your glasses. I shall put them aside while I read.
And the lady, a little scared said:
Pastor, good! The Lord found my glasses! They had been lost for over three months and I could not find them. Thanks!
The pastor then found out why that lady was growing cold in her faith. She was not feeding on the Word of God. It had been at least three months since she had even opened the Bible.
Have you been reading the Bible? Have you been feeding on God's promises? Have you strengthened your heart with the experiences of the heroes of faith?
Then shall I have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in thy word (Psalm2 119:42).
- God's word is God's revelation to men.
- She is alive, effective and true; It is the message and the message of the one who loves us and reveals Himself to us!
- Our faith may be weak or stronger, just as we believe God will do what He says.
- Faith has nothing to do with improbable feelings or impressions or external appearances.
- When we want to connect the two things - faith and feelings, faith and appearance - we are not resting on God's Word, because faith does not need anything of that kind.
- Faith rests on the word of God.
- And if we believe the word, our heart rests.
- Rest the shadow of His words and receive healing for your body, healing for your feelings.
God is constant and unchanging. His nature is reflected in His word.
Even in the midst of afflictions, ACKNOWLEDGE that God is faithful to His word! YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!
Make sure that God's promises - the Scriptures - include the things you ask for what you are waiting for in faith.
God's Word gives us light. Look for scripture texts that promise you the things you are praying for.
Jesus loves you! And He only has the best for you!
In the book of Jonah 1:1-10 Jonah was just running away from the presence of God. He went down more and more. He went down to the harbor, to the ship, to the hold of the ship. And he was thrown into the wild waters of the sea, to go deeper. But God prepared a big fish that swallowed the prophet and preserved his life for three days. And from the belly of the fish, in his distress, with seaweed around his head, Jonah prayed to the Lord. And God heard his prayer. This story was the reason for the massive conversion of the cruel city of Nineveh. A city that learned to pray in anguish, in the face of imminent punishment and danger. Praying is always the solution for the anguished and afflicted heart.
We should be mature enough in the faith not to run after anyone every time we need to know what to do in a given situation. It is not wrong to go to people we think are wiser than we are for a word or advice. But I think it is wrong, and insulting to God, to just go after people, or go often. The problem occurs when we seek man and not God.
It is important that we seek God first. God wants to guide each of us.
Find balance in this area and get rid of the habit of seeking the opinion of others if you are in the habit of doing so constantly. Be disciplined in seeking God first and let Him choose whether to speak to you directly or to use the advice of others.
Corrie Ten Boom was a Dutch believer who was in a Nazi concentration camp for trying to save Jews. Some members of his family died in camp in an unjust and painful way. However, Corrie had received confirmation from the Lord that she would preach the gospel outside those gates. At fifty-two years old she was very ill, and that was reason enough to be eliminated in the field. But, that did not happen. On the contrary, she was released and soon began to travel the world talking about the love of God. Corrie was able to understand this psalm well: It was not the Lord ... And you, have you also tasted this action of the Lord in your life?
Do you believe God can protect you from the Covid-19 virus? Do you believe that through strong prayer you can change the evils of governments? Then God shall destroy their evils and misuses of the Covid, and will expose their lies?
May doctors and nurses have the courage to bring the truth out into the open.
A missionary was meeting his wife and son serving the Lord among indigenous people in the jungle. One night, however, a group of faces painted for war, led by the sorcerer of the rival tribe, surrounded the missionary's fragile home, armed with burning torches and spears. The couple began to pray, waiting at any moment for the invasion of the savages. After a couple of hours of prayer, the silence was complete outside. There was no one else there.
- Months passed before the missionary took that sorcerer to know Christ and his forgiveness. Then she remembered to ask him what had happened that night.
- There was no way to attack you. There were very strong and tall men around the house. They were warriors that we could not win and, therefore, we left, said the Indian.
- God had sent his army of angels in answer to your prayers. Think of the deliverances that God has also sent us! And many of them we did not even know about.
As you live your life according to the scriptures and its instructions, you will grow in holiness.
Practice obedience to God. Understand that this is the key to further understanding.
Seek God and cultivate the fear of the Lord;
doing this leads to wisdom and results in great blessing.
The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom;
a good understanding have all those who practice it.
His praise endures for ever!
Psalms 111:10
His descendants will be mighty in the land;
the generation of the upright will be blessed
Psalms 112:2.
Biblical and victorious prayer is praying in the spirit.
A true prayer comes from God, goes through the one who prays for the object of the prayer, and returns to God again.
God did not refuse Jacob, when he clung to the angel of the Lord in Penuel, exclaiming: "I will not let you go, unless you bless me." (Gen 32:26)
It is worth praying for!
Holiness involves trusting in the Lord rather than the world, and more often than not it requires us to make a choice for the former and against the latter.
The longer we walk with the Lord, the closer our communion with Him will be.
- DO NOT PLACE YOUR TRUST IN THINGS YOU BUILT FOR SAFETY. Know that God calls this idolatry. Samos 115:2-8
- SEEK ILLUMINATION IN THE ETERNAL WORD OF GOD and not in the finite wisdom of the human being. Psalms 119:105-130
God is champion in putting people in the right direction and at the perfect pace so that He can fulfill His destiny.
Every man or woman in Christ has a definite path of faith and destiny.
Always remember that God is a champion in putting you in the right ROUTE, in the right PLACE, in the right TIME in order to fulfill His call in your life.
The joy of the Lord is our strength! And the faith of starting the engine to advance in the divine destiny!
ALL the times God wants to change someone's life, He always touches that person's mouth (Jeremiah 1. 1-12; Josh 1.8)
Let's move forward in God's plan and supernatural provision for us this year!
- God wants us to know Him and to trust His word and to have His word with all its value. TRUTH IS NOT AVAILABLE FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE.
- Be comforted that God is present whenever and wherever Psalm 139:7 is present.
- Be sure that if you stay in it, the Lord will surely fulfill His purposes for you.
- The LORD will fulfil His purpose for me; thy steadfast love, O LORD, endures for ever. Do not forsake the work of thy hands Psalms 138:8.
Psalms 139:7

- Be comforted with the truth that God is present whenever and wherever Ps 139:7.
- Rest assured that if you continue in it, the Lord will surely fulfill His purposes for you.
- The Lord will perfect what concerns me. Thy steadfast love, O Lord, endures for ever; do not forsake the works of thy hands Psalm 138:8.
- TRUST IN THE LORD! He will inspire you, He will instruct you, He will correct and realign your steps… He loves you unconditionally, infinitely… WORSHIP him! He is promoting great achievements! He is faithful and knows exactly where He is!
- God wants our hearts and not just our verbal loyalty. He wants our LOVE to be ALL HIS.
- Indulge in secluded moments of silence and tranquility as a regular part of your devotion to God.
- In fact, I soothed and soothed my soul. I am like a child just breastfed by its mother. My soul is like that child Psalm 131:2.
- Regularly meditate on the scriptures to probe their depth.
Even if the powerful gather to conspire against me, still your servant will meditate on your decrees. Yes your testimonies are my pleasure, they are my advisers Psalm 119:23,24. - Diligently practice scripture memorization, training your heart to avoid sin.
I have kept your word in my heart so as not to sin against you Psalm 119:11. - Use songs of praise as a vehicle of personal gratitude.
May they offer sacrifices of thanksgiving and announce their works with songs of joy Psalm 107:22.
God bless you!
Express gratitude, praise, exalt the one who can do everything!
Anything that offends God must be done away with. That is why we need to pray continually: "Set a guard over my mouth and watch over the door of my lips".
Psalm 17:3 "I have decided that my mouth will not sin". We need to plan to keep our mouths from uttering mean or negative things. We make a point of not saying them.
Psalm 19:14: "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer!" Are you struggling with your mouth? PRAY THE WORD. It is the Word of God that holds the power of the Holy Spirit. Let the Scriptures be the cry of your heart. Be sincere in your desire for victory in this area, and as you seek God's help, you will begin to find yourself changing.
Psalms 144:1-2

In the opening verses of Psalms 144, David praises the Lord with strong and imposing words—Rock, stronghold, tower of protection, and more. The Lord subdued his enemies, but David also did his part. We must always remember that we are partners with God. God has His share and we have ours. We cannot do God's part, and He will not do our part. In verse 1, David says that the Lord trained his hands for war and his fingers for battle. This is the key to beating depression. We must do what David did. We need to recognize depression, submit it to the Lord, cry out to Him for help, and then fight the situation in the strength and power of the Holy Spirit.