Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Proverbs
- In this passage two things stand out: "paths" and "recognize". The word PATH means a road, a course, or a way of acting. It suggests specific opportunities that a person may encounter again and again. THE OPPORTUNITY THAT SEEMS TO US MORE FREQUENTLY IS THE EXPERIENCE OF EVERY NEW DAY. It is as if this passage suggests that "every day" we should recognize God, and in doing so, He would direct our ways.
- Of equal importance is the term "RECOGNIZE". Recognize through observation, investigation, reflection, experience. "Intimate and direct contact". It is intimacy with God through prayer, which conceives and gives birth to blessings and victories. Having direct, intimate contact with God in all our days, God promises to direct our fruitful and life-giving efforts and efforts.
- All to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known Jeremiah 33:3.
- I will go before you and level the mountains, I will break in pieces the doors of bronze and cut asunder the bars of iron Isaiah 45:2.
As Christians, we must not place our trust in our education, appearance, position, property, gifts and talents, abilities, achievements, or the opinion of others. In Proverbs 3:26, our Heavenly Father is really telling us, "That is enough; it is time to let go of all those carnal things you have clung to for so long. It is time to put your trust in Me and Me alone!"
Proverbs 4:23

GUARD YOUR HEART - The heart is the place where our emotions, intentions and dreams are born. It is the source of everything we do and think. That is why God warns us to take good care of it.
Guarding the heart is more than protecting our emotions - it is keeping our thoughts, attitudes and feelings aligned with God's love and will.
Sometimes, the world tries to fill our hearts with worries, fears and sadness. But when we seek God in prayer and read His Word, He helps us to cleanse our interior of all anxiety and fills us with peace, joy and hope. God wants to transform our hearts so that we can live a life of love and genuine faith.
Today, open your heart to God. Ask Him to purify it, strengthen it and renew it. Trust that He is taking care of you, and, from the bottom of your heart, seek to live in communion with Him. In this way, you will find true peace and the purpose that God has prepared for your life.
- Every Christian should keep his heart free from any anxiety. As Proverbs 12:25 says, "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down".
- We do not have to walk around with a distressed and anxious heart, or with a spirit of oppression over us. In John 14:1, Jesus tells his disciples, "Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God". Isaiah 61:3 gives a wonderful promise to those who need the Lord to lift the burden of anxiety that is upon them. This verse says that God wants "to grant to those who mourn in Zion to give them a garland instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning".
- The Lord does not want us to have an anxious or anguished heart. The next time things do not go well for you, remember to release your burdens and anxieties at the Lord's feet. He wants you to have a light heart and enjoy life.
That text, in other words, if someone is angry and screaming, responding calmly and gently will change the situation and stop the fight. How tremendous! The next time words of anger seem to be flying around you, respond with soft, gentle words. This is the best way to end a fight.
- What is this verse saying?
Regardless of what happens in a person's life, he can bear it if he has a strong spirit to tempt him in this difficult time. But if his spirit is weak or depressed, he will find it very difficult to bear anything in life. - Romans 12:8 tells us that one of the spiritual gifts that God gives to the church is the gift of encouragement or inspiration. These people are generally easy to recognize because every time we approach them, they make us feel better through their words and actions. It seems that this ability to boost morale, encourage and strengthen others just comes naturally from them with their simple presence and personality.
- All of us can edify, erect and give life to others.