Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Numbers
- God pronounced a blessing upon His people saying that His face would shine upon them and be turned towards them Numbers 6:25,26.
- Our face is simply our appearance. When people look at us, we want them to see something in us that is different from what they see in everyone else. They cannot read our minds or look into our hearts, but they can see from the glow on our face that we have something tremendous which is wonderful.
- Our face is important. The look we have on our face at work and our tone of voice at home are important. We must be loving people who reflect the joy of God on our faces.
- It is important that we spend more time with God, talking to Him, thanking Him and worshiping Him; then our faces will convey His glory. We need to ask ourselves, "Does my face reflect the greatness of God?"
In the midst of a busy life, are you able to be like Moses and “wait” to hear what the Lord wishes to tell you? Do you ask Him to help you, to hear His voice more clearly.
When the Israelites traveled from Egypt (the land of slavery) to Canaan (the land of promise), the cloud of the Lord went before them, showing the way. Every time the ark of the covenant was lifted and carried before them, Moses cried out to God, "Arise, O Lord; let your enemies be scattered" (Numbers 10:35) that is good! That we can remember every day to praise the Lord, it is our expectation that His power will bring us the victory.
- The children of Israel not only complained, they also often wanted to turn around and return to the place they had left. They had made the mistake of bringing some unbelieving Egyptians from Egypt with them. Called a band of foreigners in Numbers 11:4, these people did not love God and tempted the Israelites by reminding them of the dubious benefits of Egypt. In the same way, the devil reminds people of the benefits they had while they were in the world and doing things their way.
- There are many places on the road where we can park or even turn around and return to the path we came from. But if we go ahead and follow God's plan for our lives, we will be greatly blessed in the end. To be in the perfect will of God is to be in the most comfortable place in the world. Never go back. Keep moving forward under control of the Holy Spirit! Searching in prayer for the Will of God and by reading the Bible daily and thus knowing God's Will!
Numbers 11:23

Numbers stresses that God's people must be content with God's provision.
Discontent reveals a lack of faith in God. He knows what we need and will meet that need at the right time.
GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART, knows everything you are going through and AT THE RIGHT MOMENT FOR YOU RESTORES HIS ENCOURAGEMENT, because He still is God and CAN DO ALL THINGS!
Proceed to the target that Christ has given you, you will complete your miracle, for our God is working on your behalf.
PROCEED IN FAITH! This is what God expects of you IN THIS moment, keep WALKING do not back down, because the miracle is coming!/p>
Numbers 13:30

- Taking possession of the land involves evicting the current occupants, who worship idols and satan. To the Israelites, the occupants were people; for us, they can be people, situations, or even the devil and his demons. Satan our spiritual enemy, he seeks to lead us away from the good things that are ours.
- It is necessary to fight. Each of us carries an invisible “apology bag” with us. When God puts something in our heart to do what we do not want to do, we just look inside that bag and pull out an excuse, like “it is too hard” or “I am afraid” - just like those 10 spies did. We believe that an excuse releases us from the responsibility to do what God has told us to do, like Jonah. However, God's answer to us is: “Do it, even if you are afraid! As you move forward, I will help you overcome fear.
How do you see the obstacles in your path? If we feel that we are nothing, it will be difficult to achieve great achievements in life. When those men looked at the giants and then at themselves, they fainted in their minds and said, "We looked like locusts, to us and to them." The big mistake was looking at the giants and looking at yourself and not looking at God. - In ourselves we are nothing and we can do very little, but in Christ we can give all the things He asks us to do (Philippians 4:13). We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and not on ourselves or our weaknesses. If God is on our side, why should we be afraid of anyone or anything?
- Joshua and Caleb did not allow negative and unbelieving people to affect them. These two remained full of faith and confidence that they could conquer their enemies. We also need to keep our faith positive, not allowing pessimistic people to steal our joy. We must not allow those who doubt to destroy our confidence; we must believe that God is a good God and that He has a good plan for our lives. Satan uses people like that to suck us. Do not let this negativity and unhappiness affect and contaminate your joy.
The father figure is of vital importance in the children's lives. The man is responsible for the education of his children and, when he becomes a bad example, he runs the risk of perpetuating his behavior for generations.
It is essential that the father make it very clear to his children that he loves God above all else, so that his example of faith can serve as a model and challenge for them.
He must always keep in mind that being a parent is not just raising a child and supporting him.
Being a parent involves loving your children unconditionally, supporting them, listening to them and working hard to see them grow properly, and always teaching them to seek the Lord.
Parenting means setting a good example at all times and putting the Biblical values and standards into practice.
The most important language in the world is that of redemption.
We need to learn to speak the language of redemption which the apostle Paul called “the word of faith” (Rom 10.8).
The phrase: "Christ redeemed us" is in the past, which means that it has already been completed at the cross.
HE BLESSED US! HE HEALED US! HE RELEASED US! All of these verbs are in the past tense. Once He did, by faith we have it.
FAITH IS ACTED BY THE VOICE (Nm 20.8; 1 Cor 10.4).
Moses disobeyed God when he smote the rock a second time, the rock that is Jesus was smitten once at the cross.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus, the rock, was wounded. Now, when you TALK TO THE ROCK, the water will flow freely.
As you declare the word of God, there is a full provision for each of your needs.
The gospel is the language of faith. BELIEVING AND SPEAKING are the two most fundamental ingredients of faith.
In this passage we learn that the Lord allowed Israel to be taken captive and driven into exile because of their disobedience. Have you ever neglected to do what God asked you to do, allowing sin to enter your life? Do not let the devil, our enemy, lead you into captivity to sin and disobedience; this only leads to destruction.
God, I pray that I won't give in to the influence and customs of the world around me, but that I can always honor you and shall obey.
Then Israel sang this song: Spring up, O well! And you, sing to him! (Numbers 21:17)
- Praise heals "dry times". The praise of the "dry times" that come to all believers, for here the praise of God caused the waters to flow without a well.
- How beautiful is this figure, which tells us about the river of blessings that flows through our lives through faith and praise.
- How did they reach the waters of this well?
LOADING PRAISE they sang the song of faith over the sand as they dug. - Praise even today can open fountains in the desert.
- There is no proof of faith so true as THE GRACE OF GRATITUDE.
There is power to repeat what God says, if we only knew the dimension of the repercussion that happens in the spiritual realm, I would never fail to declare the word.
Many children of God have been crestfallen and dejected because they have not sought to repeat what God says in His word.
When we speak the word of God, a creative power flows into us and to others, because it was through the word released by God that everything was created (Heb 11.3) - “... because you magnified your name above EVERYTHING and your word (Ps 138.2).
When we release the word, the power that was exalted above everything is coming out of our lips, just as Jesus is above everything (Eph. 1: 20-23).
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away (Mt. 24:35).
Circumstances may arise, however, our Father upholds his promise and materializes it in His appointed time.
Speak the same thing that God speaks and you will see the result!