Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Hebrews
Because of Christ's greatness, Christians should be careful not to deviate from what He said.
Give your full attention to the Word of God and your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Let Jesus and the Word be the basis and support of your thoughts.
Approach God continually with an innocent heart and faith.
Seek God diligently. Believe that He will reward you for it! (Heb 11:6)
Practice praise with persistence and patience (Heb 13:15)
That is the way.
Hebrews 2:1 and 3

- Devotion is the concentration on a search, purpose or special causes. He who is devoted to Jesus recognizes his carnal tendency to become indifferent and tries to avoid it. The scriptures shape the believer's way of thinking, and he devotes time to prayer, waiting for the Lord, praising and thanking.
- He gives full attention to the Word of God and his relationship with Jesus.
- Let Jesus and His Word be the basis for your thinking (Heb 3:1).
- It is celebrated daily that you have gained access to God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
- Seek God diligently. Believe that He will reward you for this (Heb 13:15).
- Do not deviate from what God has said.
- God bless you!
It is not enough to HEAR the gospel, you must also BELIEVE in it!
You can live in God's blessings! He has already blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places (Eph 1.3). God has already done everything He needed to do for man!
Because we who believe, have entered into rest (Heb 4: 3).
He wants you to enjoy everything that belongs to you in Christ.
He gave us everything that concerns life and godliness, through the knowledge of the one who called us by his glory and virtue (1 Peter 1.3)
Remember if! Because we, the ones who have believed, are the ones who enter the rest!
The attitude of listening lazily, not studying God's Word, no prayer life results in a lack of spiritual growth.
The active believer accepts the benefit of Jesus' sacrifice and enters the presence of God with confidence.
Faith believes in the Bible without question, knowing that it is God's living self-expression.
- Recognize that Jesus destroyed the fear of death by defeating the devil Heb 2:14.18.
- Be obstinate when holding on to God's promises. Seek fervently to God, study his word and build your faith.
- Hold on to hope! Develop a feeling of a great destination.
- To follow Jesus, we need a lot of confidence, boldness, perseverance and declare the word.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful Heb 10:23.
I encourage you to take the message of Hebrews 6:11-12 seriously, following through on what you begin.
It is very easy to start something, but it takes a lot of courage to finish it! At the beginning of something new, we get excited and generally get a lot of support to do it. But when our emotions wear off and all that is left, is hard work and the need for extreme patience, we discover what it takes to really succeed. Let us be people who are really successful and who finish the things they do well!
Eve was seduced by satan and therefore her female egg does not pass on sin. Adam made a CONSCIOUS choice and ate the forbidden fruit, his male seed passes on sin. Through the fusion of the sinless egg with the sinful sperm, sinful life is created and man is born a sinner.
Jesus was born sinless from the Virgin Mary, without intercourse with a man, her sinless egg was fertilized by the sinless seed of the Holy Spirit.
God slaughtered an animal to make clothes (Genesis 3:21) for Adam and Eve, because without shedding of blood there will be no forgiveness.
Jesus had to die on the cross. When the soldier stuck his spear in the side of Jesus, blood and water came from His side. The medical proof that Jesus was really dead. His shedding of blood brings forgiveness of every man who wants to believe.
As proof that God the Father had accepted the sin sacrifice of His Son Jesus, God the Father raised Him from the dead after three days.
It is up to each person to choose PERSONALLY, as Adam made a conscious voluntary choice for or against God. Every choice has its own consequences. The choice not to believe means an eternal separation from God.
The choice to believe in the forgiveness of sin through the blood of Jesus Christ means eternal life with God.
Man has a short or long life on earth to make the choice for Jesus Christ. Make the right decision soon because you do not know how long your life lasts.
The Bible teaches us that we have to enter the spirit world with authority, by the new and living way that Jesus inaugurated for us (Hebrews 10:20).
Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things which you have not known (Jer. 33:3).
Intercession opens the Heavens over our heads and brings a blessing in our lives.
God has projects for children that generate intimacy with Him.
We need to pray for big, meaningful things to happen in the history.
WE ARE builders of new stories, and intercession is the main tool for these miracles to manifest.
We need to write a new story, the story of champions who do not let themselves be overwhelmed by life nor by satan.
We are men and women who have their eyes on the throne, on high, for help which never fails!
I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence does my help come? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth (Ps 121:1-2).
CALL AND YOU WILL GET ANSWERS! Realities can change when we cry out to God!
And Jonah prayed to the Lord his God, from the bowels of the fish. In my distress I cried out to the Lord, and He answered me; I cried out of the womb of hell, and you heard my voice... The LORD spoke to the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land (Jonah 2:1-10).
Paul says: Now faith is ...
Although the word FAITH is not used as a word in the present tense, we will use it in this way to boost our reasoning.
Faith as the firm foundation of things that are expected, IS THE FAITH OF NOW. The firm foundation of things that are expected IS ALWAYS NOW.
You can say this in several ways.
If faith is not now, it is not faith.
If it is not faith in the present indicative, it is not the firm foundation of the things expected.
Many people overlook this detail, confusing hope with faith. They say, "Well, I believe that God will do it someday."
- BUT GOD ALREADY DID EVERYTHING what He wanted to do regarding our salvation and hope.
- He has already done everything He wanted to do in relation to our finances.
- He already did and shall do everything He wanted to do with the devil until the end of time.
God's promise has already been declared.
- God's will is His word.
- His word ought to be your will - The New Testament is the last will and testimony of Jesus.
- Jesus already said "yes" to that.
- It is not a question of what He will do someday.
- It is about us receiving what He has already done.
God's universal law concerning prayer.
God does nothing but in answer to prayer - John Wesley
In his teaching on prayer, Jesus commented on God's universal law concerning prayer. He said, "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" Matthew 7:7-8
Just as God has a universal law of giving in Luke 6:38, his universal law of prayer is found here in these two verses: EVERYONE THAT ASKS IN FAITH RECEIVES!
This law that God has established is irrevocable! When we come to the Father, we must believe that we are going to receive or it is better not to ask!
Often when the answer doesn't come immediately, Christians are willing to resign themselves to the fact that their prayer has not been answered on the assumption that it is not God's will. The law of God is that everyone who asks in faith receives! We must continue to persevere in faith, accept and believe his promise until we receive what we ask for.
Our Father is a REWARDER of those who come to him in faith. He will do what he has promised is far beyond what we can imagine or ask (Ephesians 3:20).
By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place which he was to receive as an inheritance; and he went out, not knowing where he was to go (Hebrews 11:8).
Abraham demonstrated his faith by obedience to leave Ur and to travel to an unknown land. He did not know where he was going; It was enough for him to know that he was with God. It was not so much upon the promises he leaned on, but in what he had promised. He was not looking at the difficulties that lay before him, but at the eternal, immortal invisible KING. The only wise God who had made a commitment to direct his way. Our guide knows no fear and expects us to fear nothing because He is by our side.
John Bunyan wrote the book THE PILGRIM anima dungeon. Despite his limitations, his heart and thoughts were not bound. He could, in a glorious vision, contemplate the journey of the "Christian", going from the "city of sin" to the "Heavenly city". A long walk, full of dangers, temptations and challenges. The giant of doubt, in the castle of despair, deceit, the appeals of the vanity fair, the persecution of the Evil One all the time, the martyrdom of the Faithful, the Christian's journey companion, these were some obstacles overcome by faith. And the Bible says that faith is the certainty of things that are expected, the conviction of facts that are not seen (Hebr. 11:1). It is by faith that we conquer the world and, with this shield, we extinguish the enemy's darts.
Look ahead and upwards, without taking your eyes off Jesus, our living and holy way, because that is our motto. Rest assured that, victorious, we will reach the heavenly city, where the Lord awaits us! Hallelujah!
God bless you so much!
Hebrews 12:5

Hebrews 12:6 tells us that God disciplines us because He loves us. This truth about God's correction and discipline of those He loves is confirmed by Jesus Himself in Revelation 3:19, when He says,"Those whom I love, I reprove and chasten; so be zealous and repent".
Repenting and changing your attitude often requires correction, but people who do not know they are loved have a hard time receiving correction. Correction does us no good if we cannot receive it. I encourage you to receive the Lord's correction in your life as a sign of His love for you.
Weak people are combative. Strong people walk in love and help the weak.
Correction and discipline are not evidence of lack of love, but evidence of love.
God uses trials as a test of your faithfulness to Him. Discipline and trial have an educational purpose to prepare for the future.
Discipline aims at your sanctification. Your place as a royal priest in Heaven. Anyone who goes through it indifferently and stoically will learn nothing and lose his or her place.
Paul had a thorn in the flesh (2 Cor. 12: 7) to keep him humble.
A real son is someone whom the Father finds favor.
- These are the purposes of our life: SANCTIFICATION AND ETERNAL LIFE. Both are fundamental prerequisites for those who wish to see God. Follow peace with all and sanctification Heb 12.14.
- The Lord wants us to present a life totally dedicated to Him.
- God works wonders for the man who sanctifies himself!
- Sanctification in its literal sense means "to make holy". Consequently, the Holy Spirit is the necessary agent of sanctification, and Christ is the adequate provision.
- But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God was made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, redemption (1 Corinthians 1:30).
- There is no sanctification, morally, in the Biblical sense, without contact and union with Christ.
- To be holy is to be separate from the world and closer to God; it is walking more and more in spirit and less and less according to our own nature!