Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Ephesians
Ephesians 1:1-2

Paul begins by praising God for the spiritual benefits that come to him and Christians because of the relationship he has with Christ. GOD IS THE FATHER OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, this word reveals the nature of God. The Supreme Being is not an austere and arbitrary judge, but is the Eternal Father with a loving, merciful and tender spirit like Christ.
The recipients of this epistle are characterized by saints and believers. In what sense are these Christians Saints? Are they merely people “set apart” by God to serve Him and that is why they are considered Saints? Or does this word describe the character of the recipients as morally holy people? Both interpretations are appropriate and pertinent. No one is a saint through personal effort; holiness comes through the consecrating act of God. The individual who is SEPARATED by the grace of God is made HOLY, because he/she gave his/her life to God consciously and willingly. The holiness he/she manifests is not a simple matter of being with God; it is also a reality of the inner spirit as it lives in dynamic relationship with God, through Christ. These individuals are Saints to the extent that God's grace operates in their lives. It may be that some Ephesian Christians enjoyed the blessings of full salvation, because they lived separate from sin and were growing in their relationship with God.
The holy and faithful recipients of this epistle believe in Christ Jesus. They live in it. The fellowship they have as a community was created by Christ when they gave themselves to him. They were separated from God, but now they are in Christ Jesus and have been reconciled to God.
Ephesians 1:3

THE SOURCE OF SALVATION BLESSINGS - Paul begins by praising God for the spiritual benefits that come to him and Christians because of the relationship he has with Christ. BLESSED is, in Greek, eulogetos, which is a word composed of "I", which means "good", and "logetos", which means "to speak". Literally, the Greek conveys the idea of "speaking well" or "praising". The apostle is saying: WE PRAISE GOD, WE SPEAK GOOD WORDS ABOUT HIM. Essentially, only God is worthy of being blessed, because only He is of authentic and constant character and action. Only He is truly praise worthy, because there are no mixes in His motives and intentions. THE SUPREME BEING IS NOT AUSTERE AND ARBITRARY JUDGE, BUT IS THE ETERNAL FATHER OF A LOVING, MERCY AND TENDER SPIRIT LIKE CHRIST.
SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS - With ALL spiritual blessings. Paul does not want to make a basic distinction between natural talents and spiritual benefits, although this difference is included. Everything depends on and proceeds from enjoying the life of the Spirit.
HEAVENLY PLACES - this word is peculiar to this epistle. In Ephesians, this phrase refers to the kingdom or sphere:
- Where the resurrected Christ sits supremely above all other authorities.
- Where believers, spiritually resurrected, enjoy communion with Christ.
- Where principalities and powers see the multiform wisdom of God displayed by the church.
- Where Christians, properly armed, fight against spiritual evil.
It is the realm of spiritual experience; it is not a physical location, but a region of spiritual realities and experiences. HEAVENLY PLACES. is not an incorrect term, because the inner life of man in Christ has been invaded by the power of heaven. He has eternal life and is in the kingdom of heaven. In spirit he is lifted above the earthly, the mundane, the temporal. THE CHRISTIAN IS TEMPORARILY IN THE WORLD, BUT HE IS NOT OF THE WORLD (John 17:13-16).
Ephesians 1:4

God separated us for Himself and provided that in Jesus we are holy, blameless and consecrated. We can live before Him in love without reproach. This means we do not have to feel guilty or bad about all our weaknesses and failures. We are no surprise to God. He knew exactly what He was getting when He chose us. God did not choose us and then be disappointed because of our inabilities. God has hope in us; He believes and is working in us to help us be all He has planned for our lives.
You are meant to be a channel for God to flow through you, not a reservoir that just sits there receiving it. You are special to God and He has a plan for you. Take heart in this and rejoice!
Ephesians 1:4

LESSON FOR SALVATION - Election is a basic statement of the Bible
- It emphasizes the truth that the initiative in bringing about man's redemption is taken by God and not by man. Jesus expressed this truth in the words of John 15:16: "You did not choose me, but I chose you."
- God's election or choice is not arbitrary, so that some are destined for salvation and others for perdition, without taking into account the disposition of each individual. The scope of salvation is for all men, as the Bible copiously declares (John 3:16; Rom 10:13). The elect are constituted, not by absolute decree, but by acceptance of the conditions of God's calling. Although we admit God's foreknowledge, we must not deduce that this foreknowledge is causative and that man does not have freedom of choice.
- IN HIM - We are all among the non-elect until we are in Him. But once we are in Christ we are bound by the chains of the eternal purposes of divine love.
- The ethical purpose of God's choice is for us to be Holy and blameless before Him in charity. Saints refers to the inner spiritual quality, while blameless refers to the outer conduct of life.
Ephesians 1:5

Here we have a second facet of man's redemption. The meaning is parallel to the idea of election, indicating once again the fact that God's plan was determined from eternity. Paul specifies the means by which it was achieved, that is, ADOPTION BY JESUS CHRIST. God created man to have communion with Him as his son (Gen 1:26; Acts 17:28), but sin broke this relationship and made man a stranger to the divine house. God determined that, through Jesus Christ, restoration to sonship would be guaranteed to those who accept the eternal son.
Adoption is an idea peculiar to Pauline writings, occurring five times (Rom 8:15, 23; 9:14; Gal 4:5; Eph 1:5). Apparently, the idea comes from Roman custom and not from Jewish custom. Adoption, in the sense of the legal transfer of a child from one family to another, did not exist in Jewish law, but was possible in Roman jurisprudence. In this spiritual sense, adoption for Paul means the acceptance into the family of those who, by nature, do not belong to him. God's will or desire to lead us to sonship is not due to merit that we possess, but arises from "his pure goodness", originating solely and exclusively from the freedom of his thoughts and loving deliberation.
Ephesians 1:13

To be sealed means to be attested or declared genuine. John Wesley says that sealing indicates "the full impression of the image of God upon the soul of the believer." Such an experience would result in a truly divine quality of spirit.
To be sealed by the Holy Spirit means to be possessed or recognized completely and unequivocally by the Spirit. When we surrender entirely to Christ, to belong completely to Him and no longer be our own property, then we are 'sealed' with the Holy Spirit as a sign that we no longer belong to ourselves, but to God.
The Holy Spirit is the SPIRIT OF PROMISE. The promises were made to Abraham and his seed (Gal 3:16). But God's supreme purpose was that the blessing of Abraham would come upon the Gentiles when they received by faith the promise of the Spirit (Gal. 3:14), Ezekiel (Ezekiel 36:26; 37:1-14), Joel (Joel 2:28), and our Lord (Luke 24:49) announced the coming of the Holy Spirit. Thus, in the descent of the Holy Spirit, God's purposes were fulfilled as they related to the ancient promises.
THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE SECURITY OF OUR INHERITANCE (Eph 1:14). Pledge is a guarantee, an advance payment. The deposit or partial payment is the guarantee that full payment will be made later.
But the present gift of the Spirit is only a small fraction of the future gift. The Holy Spirit is the active divine power that, when we possess it, gives our lives the guarantee of full liberation and pleasure of communion with God in the world to come. Being filled with the Holy Spirit is an inexpressible joy and peace that we will enter into one day.
Ephesians 1:16

Unfortunately, we believe that prayer is the means to achieve everything that only God can give us. This is an inheritance of religion, which has subtly imposed on man a selfish desire to relate to God only out of interest. And in a certain conformism he accepts the shallowest part, the gifts, losing the deepest, interesting and sufficient part, to know the Lord of gifts.
Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD Hosea 6:3.
The ultimate goal of prayer is not to get the things that have been asked for, but to know God, your mind and your heart.
Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD ... (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
Have an excellent day!
Ephesians 1:19-20

God expressed the measure of his life-giving power WHEN HE RESURRECTED CHRIST FROM THE DEAD. Christ's death is the chief demonstration of God's love (Rom. 5:8), but the resurrection is the chief demonstration of God's power. Paul will soon say that the power that resurrected Jesus is the "power that works in us" (3:20). If we remain silent about the resurrection, we are not talking about God.
The exaltation of Christ - Seated at the right hand of God. The seat at the right hand of an Eastern king was always reserved for the prime minister or head of government, symbolizing not only honor and dignity, but also delegated power. In the case of Christ, it means that He is invested with sovereign lordship and universal dominion.
Above all principality, and power, and power, and dominion (21). Our Lord is far above every created power, whether friendly or hostile, whether human or spiritual, that exercises authority in the world today. Christ is enthroned above all these powers, because He created them (Col. 1:16), and, through His humiliation, He provided redemption. No name can eclipse the name of Jesus. No other name can be given equal glory.
Ephesians 1:21

Christ's dominion is not temporal. It is eternal. Therefore, the powers in this world, not only in this age (this century = Paul's century) and in the next (century after Paul = our century) cannot and will not overcome His sovereignty.
The crowning achievement of Christ is the subordination of everything else to him: God has subjected all things under his feet. These words are from Psalm 8:6, which speaks of the glory of man as the crown of creation, possessing dominion over all creatures. As in Hebrews 2:6-9, these words are applied to Christ, the second Adam, who destroyed the deadly power of the fall. By His redemptive work, He gained the sovereignty that is legally His as head of the new creation. THE COURSE OF HISTORY AND THE DESTINY OF THE UNIVERSE ARE IN THE HANDS OF JESUS CHRIST.
Ephesians 1:22-23

Christ's heir rights extend to principalities and powers (Col. 2:10), and also to the new community that was created by His life, death, resurrection and exaltation. God, over all things, appointed Him as HEAD OF THE CHURCH. As God's gift to the church, Christ presides over the community of believers in all things. Similarly, the union between Christ and his people confirms that the church has mediated authority and power. When the church evangelizes obediently and faithfully in the name of His Lord Jesus, it possesses the supremacy of Christ in the world. The church's confidence and triumph lie in this truth.
Ephesians 2:1-2

In this text from Ephesians 2:1-3 we have a vivid picture of the miseries of unregenerate people, and, on the other hand, verses 4 to 10 speak of the happy condition of converted souls. This should be enough to waken and alarm those who are still in their sins and hasten them out of that state.
And why do we say that it is a MISERABLE CONDITION OF MAN? Watch:
- Unregenerate souls are dead in "… trespasses and sins". This can mean all types of sin, habitual and ongoing, sins of the heart and life. SIN IS THE DEATH OF THE SOUL.
- A state of sin is a state of conformity to this world.
- We are by nature, slaves of sin and Satan. Those who walk in trespasses and sins walk AFTER THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, that is, the Devil, or the prince of demons (Matthew 12: 24,26). The legions of apostate angels are a great power united under one leader, Satan. The wicked are slaves to Satan because they subject their lives to him. They are submissive to him, and are taken captive by him according to his will. THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE are those who choose to disobey God and serve the devil.
- We are slaves to the flesh and our corrupted passions. Doing the will of the flesh and thoughts includes all sin and evil that occur in both the lower and the higher or noble powers of the soul.
Our state and behavior deserve wrath, and would end in eternal wrath, if divine grace did not intervene. Sinners have every reason to seek this grace that will turn them from children of wrath into children of God and heirs of glory!
Ephesians 2:4-5

For Paul, the plight of the human race is never desperate. In the dark background of spiritual death, the apostle sketches a characterization of new life in Christ.
- It is life begun in God. In Christ, God entered with force into the tragic situation of humanity, and today He enters with force into the sinful state of every repentant human being to give him salvation.
- UT GOD. He always makes a difference. EVEN WHEN WE WERE STILL DEAD IN OUR OFFENSES, His love was working on our behalf (Rom. 5:6,8). MERCY is God's inclination towards sinners, however, LOVE is His motivation in everything He does for them.
MERCY is Habundant (inexhaustible), but LOVE is immense (indescribable and magnanimous). It is "because of" and not "through" this great love that God chose us and made us alive together, gave us life together. Salvation is the result of union with Christ. Christ's resurrection is not only the guarantee of spiritual regeneration; it is also the means of regeneration. Dead men are resurrected and, with the resurrected Christ, reborn by the love of God.
Ephesians 2:8

It is not a reward for doing good works, so that no one can be proud. Our salvation from the slavery of sin, springing from the grace of God and appropriated by faith, is the GIFT OF GOD. We do not obtain through good works (the essence of legalistic religion) the right to freedom from sin and death. Never! Grace means that everything begins and ends with God. Salvation is, then, a gift from our Creator. Verse 10 emphasizes this fact: FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS.
We bring our own ruin, but in Him lies our help. The creator restores the ruined masterpiece with His own hands, and does not "share the praise of grace". Faith is man's free and obedient response to divine proposals for salvation. But, when it operates and the sinner has the joy of new life, the spontaneous declaration comes out: IT IS ALL FROM GOD!
Ephesians 2:10

Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are God's creation. He created us with His own hands. However, human beings were lost along the way, and so we had to be recreated in Christ Jesus. It was necessary for us to be born again spiritually so that we could move forward and do the good works that God prepared for us before Satan attempted to destroy us.
Just because you and I have made mistakes or had problems in our lives does not mean that God's plan for us has changed. He is still standing! All we need to do is return to Him through trust and obedience to the Lord.
Ephesians 2:14

He (Christ) not only purchased peace by His passion; He is in himself the genuine essence of peace. He is the just and sacrificial Prince of Peace. To confess Christ is to affirm the abolition and end of division and hostility, the end of separation and segregation, the end of enmity and contempt, and the end of every kind of restriction! He made them both into one, in reality it means he united them all, for Jews and Gentiles comprise all human races.
Jesus is our peace, not only psychologically, but also concretely, for all areas of life. He is our peace, not by numbing us, but by forgiving us and healing us and wrapping us in his love and his life. Even in the dark of night, even when confusion, doubt and chaos swirl around us, Jesus still says, “Do not let your hearts be troubled nor be afraid” and "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you" (John 14:27).
We recognize our difficulties and our fallen state as painful and problematic because they do not resemble shalom. While shalom brings harmony, kindness, and a flourishing world, we live in the midst of war, betrayal, and suffocating self-absorption. But in response to our rebellion and chaos, Jesus brings His peace, His shalom. "I have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). By connecting us to God, he is our shalom. He is the hope of Israel and therefore the hope of the world.
Ephesians 2:21

Paul is interested in showing that the church is still in the process of being built. The addition of other living stones to the unfinished building is permanent. The stones that already exist and those that will be placed in the sacred structure must grow into the holy temple of the Lord. This growth occurs and is beautiful only when its new members, through the quality of their discipleship in remaining strictly faithful to the Lord, contribute to the unity, strength and perfection of the church.
Ephesians 3:10

Through the church, now made up of Jews and Gentiles redeemed by the blood of Jesus, Paul's service demonstrates "the display of God's wisdom before the intelligences of the divine order." Principalities and powers cannot mean any kind of earthly government, because Paul says they are in heavenly places. Nor should they be demonic powers, as the power of God would be more appropriate to deal with them than the wisdom of God. Principalities (archai) and powers (exousiai) can only mean good angels, and these names of dignity are appropriate, since they point to the greatness of Paul's commission, and also the glory placed upon the ecclesia (church).
There is no doubt that these angels of God, who dominate the spheres, have an interest in the scheme of man's redemption (1 Peter 1:12). The ruling powers of the spheres see the church forming, observe how it gathers into unity from the hostile segments of humanity, and thus know for the first time the MULTIPLE WISDOM OF GOD. When the church fulfills the mission of making divine wisdom known, Paul's ministry is validated. The word "multiform" is a metaphor taken from the complex beauty of an embroidered pattern. Who can fathom the majesty and diversity of God's wisdom in redeeming the world? In Romans 11:33, Paul exclaims, "O the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!" God's plans are perfect in their conformity with divine holiness, and at the same time they are ordered according to human capacity and the complicated needs of human life. The end result is the redemption of souls.
Ephesians 3:12

BOLDNESS (parresia) AND ACCESS (prosagoge) mean, respectively, "freedom to speak" and "freedom to approach". In classical Greek, parresia meant the freedom of expression that was granted to the citizen of a democratic state. In applying the word here, Paul indicates "the freedom that Christians have in approaching God directly without intermediaries, except through Christ, who in His person has deity and humanity".
CONFIDENCE denotes "the mental state in which we enjoy these blessings", namely, boldness and freedom. All this because of OUR FAITH IN HIM.
The basis of our boldness and access is Christ. It is in him that we have this freedom. We cannot come to God on our own merit; we must go "in the infinite merit of an infinite Savior."
Ephesians 3:14-16

continue Verse 17 - that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; being rooted and grounded in love, you may, together with all the Saints, comprehend the breadth and length and height and depth, and know the love of Christ that surpasses all knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
Do you truly understand the depth of God's love for you? Paul prayed fervently that the Ephesians would understand the breadth, length, height, and depth of God's love for their lives, and that they would be rooted and grounded in that boundless love. Set aside time to meditate on Ephesians 3:14-19. Ask God to reveal His love to you more and more and to expand your capacity to receive this magnificent love and also all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:19

Unconditional love has far-reaching eyes. It sees what people can become if only someone loves them.
Romans 12:21 says that it is with good that we must overcome evil.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Most people who are difficult to love, have suffered hard pain throughout their lives and this has altered their personality.
On the outside they look hard and bitter, but on the inside they are begging for love.
Ephesians 3:20

The problem we face today, is how we tackle the lack of faith.
The absence of faith, makes us see only giants and difficulties, hinders our progress and limits us.
The holy scriptures, in a clear and sharp way, offer us an alternative that guarantees victory in any aspect of our life.
We are living hard days (2 Tim 3.1.2).
The question arises, what is God's will for my life?
I appeal to you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect (Rom 12: 1-2).
As we scan the scriptures, we immediately find that God's will is good, pleasant, and perfect.
1- Present yourself to God as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, which is rational worship.
2- Do not conform to the world.
3- Transform yourself by renewing your mind.
And, this is not human work, but, rather, the Holy Spirit of God.
Man, by his strength or ability, can never please God, because all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment (Isaiah 64: 6).
Everything related to God can only be achieved through faith (Heb 11: 6).
Our pleasure has to be in God, for He is the source of all things!
Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Ps 37: 4)
Ephesians 3:20

To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus for all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (verse 21)
Verse 20 expresses three truths.
- GOD IS POWERFUL TO DO EVERYTHING - Paul cannot entertain the idea that God is limited by some power outside himself.
- God is powerful to do MUCH MORE ABUNDANTLY BEYOND WHAT WE ASK OR THINK. The extent of God's power surpasses the hopes and imaginations of the human heart. The expression MOST ABUNDANTLY means that God's ability to fulfill his purposes lies outside the greatest human power of understanding.
- The phrase ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT WORKS IN US aims to declare that there is a relationship between the enjoyment that the believer today has of the divine power in conversion and the infinite power of God, who can do what the apostle prayed. God has the measure and unlimited capacity to do for us and in us much more than we ask or receive.
Ephesians 4:1

Paul repeats the fact that he is the Lord's prisoner (see 3:1). His intention is to provoke serious reflection in readers about the way they live their lives. He exhorts them to WALK WORTHY OF THE CALLING to which they have been called. WALK here means "to lead one's life", to conduct oneself or to behave. In this case, the call is to live in a way befitting one's vocation or calling. This calling does not refer to a divinely given call to ministry. It is a call to all Christians for the exclusive reason that they are Christians. "Conversion" is what is behind the word "calling". However, conversion emphasizes the human side of the great change, while calling indicates the divine side, the Voice of prevailing power. The tone of the verse is to say that they were graciously invited to have a new relationship with God and that they have not yet taken hold of all its benefits. The obligation to continue this walk with God weighs on them and to experience this "calling" in such a way as to give honor to the name of the one to whom they belong, promoting peace among men.
Ephesians 4:2

The dignified walk, which provides the basis and environment for unity, manifests itself in at least four graces and virtues: LOWLINESS, MEEKNESS, PATIENCE, FORBEARING ONE ANOTHER IN LOVE. These graces are not characteristic of the natural human spirit. They are gifts of the Holy Spirit to the followers of Christ (Gal. 5:22) and emanate from the Redeemer himself. The call to a worthy walk is a call to lead one's life in conformity with the image of Christ, to live in holiness and righteousness among men.
LOWLINESS is a feeling of gratitude for dependence on God and is antagonistic to pride and vanity. The proud only look at what is below them.
MEEKNESS means more than modesty or moderation. It is the submissive and docile disposition of mind, which enables us to bear the faults and insults of others without irritation or resentment.
PATIENCE which is a resistant and indefatigable spirit, which knows how to resist suffering or provocation in the strength learned at the feet of the Redeemer. The opposite of this virtue is irritability.
FORBEARING OTHERS IN LOVE is the practical work of a patient spirit, in which we continue to love and respect others despite their faults and weaknesses.
With this teaching, Paul did not want to impose a rule but to alleviate the inevitable conflicts that arise in the Christian community. Harmony will exist as Christians practice this orientation.
Ephesians 4:3

The nature of this unity which the apostle prescribes: is... THE UNITY OF THE SPIRIT. The basis of Christian unity is in the heart or spirit. It is not in a set of thoughts, nor in a form or means of worship, but in a heart and soul. This unity of heart and affection comes from the Spirit of God. It is operated by Him and is one of the aspects of the fruit of the Spirit. We should strive to maintain it. "…seeking" (striving) is a gospel word. We must do our best. If others seek to contend with us, we must do everything possible not to contend with them. If others seek to despise and hate us; we should not do the same. You know that "I will pay you back in nature", DO NOT DO THAT. Peace is a bond, as it unites people and makes them live in a friendly way with each other. Peaceful disposition and conduct unite Christians, while differing and contending disperse and disunite hearts. Many thin branches, if tied together, become strong. In a bunch of sticks there can be different sizes and thicknesses; but when they are tied together by a link, they become very strong, more than the thickest and strongest stick in this mountain.
Ephesians 4:4-6

Paul lists seven things that are the essence of the unity of the church. The expression ONE means that Christ cannot be divided. Faith cannot be divided.
ONE BODY - This is the reference to the church, the body of Christ. Paul does not tolerate two bodies of Christ, one made up of Jews and the other made up of Gentiles. By the power of the Cross salvation is effected for Jews and Gentiles.
ONE SPIRIT - The allusion is to the Holy Spirit. Membership in the body of Christ occurs through the attraction, regeneration and indwelling of the Spirit. The church is not a mere organization because the presence of the Spirit constitutes the church and is the basis of its unity.
ONE HOPE - Paul says in Ephesians 2:12 - In ancient times the Ephesian believers were "strangers" from the covenants of promise, having no hope. The hope of our calling, as well as theirs, is what possessed us when we responded to the proposal of grace.
ONE LORD - here refers to the lordship of Christ. When people accepted Christ in those days, the confession they made was that JESUS IS LORD. Paul writes to the Romans that if men confess with their mouths that "Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom. 10:9).
ONE FAITH - Faith refers to the act of believing or what is believed.
ONE BAPTISM - Some say that Paul is talking about the rite of water baptism that served as an initiatory ceremony for admission into the Christian community. Others say he is referring to the baptism with the Holy Spirit, which does not nullify water baptism but reinforces the fact that it has been given a more valuable meaning.
ONE GOD AND FATHER OF ALL- God is the source of everything. He is over all-he is sovereign and supreme. He is by all means His power pervades the entire church. He is in all-his spirit dwelling in worship before the eternal throne itself, and in Christ we are all children of the same heavenly Father.
Ephesians 4:7

That is why the scriptures say: "When he ascended on high, he led a host of captives, and he gave gifts to men." Verse 8.
Every believer receives grace… ACCORDING TO THE MEASURE OF THE GIFT OF CHRIST. In this context, GRACE does not refer to saving grace, but to the special gift as illustrated by Paul's mission to the Gentiles (3:7). The law that governs the granting of gifts is variation in human capacity and the pleasure of the sovereign Lord. Each receives the grace which Christ has to give, and each receives it in proportion as the Giver is pleased to give it; one has it in a greater measure and another in a smaller measure, but each obtains it from the same hand and for the same purpose. All differences are in the divine plan, and relate to God's saving purpose in giving his Son.
Ephesians 4:8

Every believer receives grace… ACCORDING TO THE MEASURE OF THE GIFT OF CHRIST. All differences are in the divine plan, and relate to God's saving purpose in giving His Son.
The origin of these gifts is the ascended Lord. To express this idea, the apostle quotes Psalm 68:18, which, in the original setting, describes the Lord returning triumphantly to his sanctuary after defeating Israel's enemies. Of what he took as plunder, he distributed to his people. Here, the scene is Christ, the Conqueror, loaded with spoils, leading a line of prisoners - HE TOOK THE CAPTIVE CAPTIVE - and giving gifts to the church.
In verses 9 and 10 Paul explains parentically the meaning of the ascension mentioned in verse 8. Now, this - HE ASCENDED can be interpreted as the Ascension". The ascent indicates a descent: HE HAD DESCENT TO THE LOWEST PARTS OF THE EARTH. THE LOWEST PARTS can only be Hades or possibly the grave, not a region lower than the heavens. In these verses, the apostle deals not only with the humiliation, but also with the exaltation of Christ. THE GIFT GIVER IS THE SOVEREIGN OF THE UNIVERSE. In this way, Christ is exalted TO FULFILL ALL THINGS. The clearest interpretation is that Christ, now that he has descended and ascended, fills the entire universe with his activity as Sovereign and Lord. The world was not deserted from Christ, but full of Christ. He also fills the church with his presence.
Ephesians 4:17-19

This passage says that unbelievers can become callous and hard-hearted. The same verse also says that, due to this insensitivity, they "gave themselves over to depravity" and committed all kinds of impurities.
God gives people feelings with a specific purpose and use in their walk with Him, but they move away from God, and become so obscured to the point that they no longer use their feelings for the right purposes. Satan leads them into a position where they live disordered lives, doing whatever they feel like doing.
What is the philosophy of today's world? "If it makes you happy, then do it!" You and I must not live like this, but rather we must make God's Word our standard and obey it by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:20

In verses 17 to 19 of chapter 4, Paul speaks of the situation and practices of man without God. Here in verse 20 he says: BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU LEARNED FROM CHRIST.
But what does "learning about Christ" mean? LEARNING FROM CHRIST must mean knowing Him experientially as the son of God and personal savior. It involves more than academic knowledge of their teachings. In Philippians, we find a Pauline phrasing equivalent to this concept: "AND BE FOUND IN HIM (...) TO KNOW HIM" Phil 3:9,10. The experience of LEARNING FROM CHRIST necessarily includes accepting Him as Messiah and adopting His lifestyle. He who learns Christ appropriates his purpose in the efficacy of his experience, in the power of his Spirit, in the strength of his lessons, and in the spirit of his influence, and finds that the whole is already diametrically opposed to the world without God.
Christ was the subject of the apostles' preaching, and this is what they heard. Furthermore, they had not simply listened, but had been taught by Him. Christ was the message brought to them, He was the school in which they were taught, He was the lesson they had learned. IF WE LIVE IN CHRIST THEN WE MUST WALK AS HE WALKED.
Ephesians 4:21

In verses 17 to 19 of chapter 4, Paul speaks of the situation and practices of man without God. Here in verse 20 he says: BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU LEARNED FROM CHRIST.
THE LAYING OFF OF THE OLD MAN - The old man has a basic nature; a morality formed by current concepts and habits prevailing in the world; and that is what they have to discard. And this must be implemented in the Christian's life, not like magic, but through a long and laborious and, at times, painful process of self-discipline by the Holy Spirit.
The putting off of the "old man" is a figurative expression of abandoning the way of life that was in accordance with corrupt nature.
The crucifixion of the old man, the old way of life, is intended to provide God with the opportunity to destroy the body of sin, the carnal mind.
The old man is also the carnal mind, it is the sinful condition of the unsanctified heart. What is old is also long-standing. So it is a contamination that began with the Fall and was transmitted to everyone who was born after.
The old man is subject to deception, and all the time selfishly wants things for himself. But this greedy trait, instead of strengthening him, ruins him. The old life, dominated by the old self, was lived in frustration. Although the sinful desires of the unredeemed self promise joy and happiness, they cannot fulfill the promise.
Ephesians 4:23-24

In verses 17 to 19 of chapter 4, Paul speaks of the situation and practices of man without God. Here in verse 20 he says: BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT YOU LEARNED FROM CHRIST.
When the creature puts on the new nature, there is a continuous renewal of the inner life, that is, of the spirit of your senses. The dynamic character of the new life is denoted here. A parallel verse is Romans 12:2 And continue to be transformed by the renewal of your mind. This renewal is not the result of human effort; It is the work of the Holy Spirit in the human spirit. Transformation occurs when the individual surrenders to the leading of the Spirit.
Simultaneously with the putting off of the old man, the new man is put on, WHICH, ACCORDING TO GOD, IS CREATED IN TRUE JUSTICE AND HOLINESS. When we put on Christ (Rom 13:14; Gal 3:27) who is the new man of all men, the divine nature becomes effective in us. The new life that is created has two characteristics: JUSTICE AND SANCTITY. These are complementary qualities of the spirit and products of God's grace at work in the heart. Justice expresses the right conduct of the Christian in his dealings with his fellow men, and the latter expresses the same conduct categorically in his relationship with God.
Ephesians 4:25

The first rule of procedure is to LEAVE THE LIE. Colossians 3:9 says: DO NOT LIE TO ONE ANOTHER, SEEING THAT YOU HAVE PUT OFF YOUR OLD NATURE WITH ITS PRACTICES. The most correct translation would be “falsehood”. The Greek word is 'he pseudos', a noun that denotes more than the spoken word; covers all forms of deception. TALK, is in the present tense, implying that telling the truth must be a continuous procedure. ANOTHER, means the other brothers in the Christian community. That is why Paul adds the words: BECAUSE WE ARE MEMBERS OF THE SAME BODY. The Bible says the devil is "the father of lies" John 8:44. - So, let us speak the truth as children of God that we are, let us not be false to each other. Hugging your brother and then, behind his back, talking bad about him is so horrible. Please improve, do not continue like this.
Ephesians 4:26-27

Psalms 4:4 says: When you are angry, do not sin. When you go to bed, reflect on this and calm down. In other words: DO NOT SIN BY BEING ANGRY. Righteous anger is consistent with Christlike living, as we see in our Lord's experience when He cleansed the temple (Mark 3:5; John 2:13-15). The believer needs to be sure that his anger is out of righteous indignation, and not just an expression of personal provocation or hurt pride. He must have no sinful motive, nor is he permitted to lead one to sin in any way. Anger becomes sin whenever it desires, or is inclined to harm someone. Sin is personal and divisive in nature, and by its nature it ruptures and breaks personal relationships. When anger has this intention, or when it results in division between Christian brothers, it is sin.
Even righteous anger has its dangers. Therefore, Paul advises: DO NOT LET THE SUN GO DOWN ON YOUR WRATH. The apostle's advice is to KEEP THAT WRATH UNDER CONTROL. Delay in subduing feelings gives SATAN a place (opportunity) to sow wrong attitudes in the spirit, and serious discord in the body of Christ. And Satan is an expert at taking advantage of these open doors!
Ephesians 4:28

Paul urges his readers, some of whom were in the habit of pilfering and stealing, to put an end to all forms of dishonest acquisition. A superficial reading suggests that theft was still practiced by these people. The prohibition is addressed to those who had a reputation for stealing before conversion. Now they no longer engage in such activity, being exhorted not to fall into the temptation of appropriating what belongs to others. The apostle recommends positive and neutralizing measures. Rather, WORK has the emphasis of "toil with strong motivation". WITH HANDS is, obtaining honest gain by honest effort. The reasons for this arduous work are not only the recovery and maintenance of character, but the acquisition of goods to be distributed to those in need, becoming a contributing and useful member of society. The Old Testament also recommends restitution for the stolen plus 10%.
Ephesians 4:29

As is common today, Paul's readers were given over to indecent language, a habit that would become so ingrained that, possibly, traces of it still remained. Evil talk is a strong word and means "putrid, low, morally harmful". Such language, even if it merely hinted at an earlier style, would be extremely inappropriate for the believer. There is a positive determination. The believer must cultivate the habit of speaking only the word that is good, so that it gives encouragement to those who hear, with which God can help others. Apparently, behind the Pauline exhortation are the words of Proverbs 15:23: "The word in season, how good it is!" Purity and truth alone are not enough for Christian language. There must be the kind of blessing and usefulness that characterized Jesus' words (Luke 4:22 and Col. 3:16; 4.6). Healthy speech is a means of grace along with other Christian sacraments and activities.
Ephesians 4:30

DO NOT GRIEF THE HOLY SPIRIT must not be separated from the previous verse. Malicious, sacrilegious, or impure language that harms others "causes pain or suffering" to the third Person of the Holy Trinity. The children of God are the temple of God because the Holy Spirit dwells in them (1 Cor 3:16,17). Contaminating the souls of believers, suggesting impure or doubtful thoughts to them, is a desecration of the temple of God and an offense to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit who indwells believers and who freely gives Himself to them in love is deeply wounded whenever such irreverent and destructive language occurs. But unclean speech is not the only conduct that grieves the Spirit that dwells within us. The believer also grieves Him by inattention and by all forms of disobedience and conscious (continuous) sin. In which you are sealed for the day of redemption. SEALED, seal or brand made by the seal. At the time of the New Testament, letters, contracts and official documents were closed with a drop of warm wax on which the signer pressed his identification.
This metaphor aims at at least two thoughts regarding the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the heart of the believer.
- To be sealed means to be attested or declared genuine.
- To be sealed by the Holy Spirit means to be possessed or recognized completely and unequivocally by the Spirit. When we are sealed with the Holy Spirit it is a sign that we no longer belong to ourselves, but to God.
Ephesians 4:31-32

BAD MOOD - The grouping of bad characteristics in verse 31 are descriptions of the old nature, and those listed in verse 32 describe the new nature. There is an internal relationship between the four characteristics mentioned in verse 31. BITTERNESS (highly irritated state of mind) leads to WRATH (rage, like an instantaneous passionate feeling). This in turn produces CHOLERA (anger like a determined spirit with a desire for revenge), which causes SCREAMING and OUTRAGEOUS LANGUAGE. Bad feelings deepen to the point that the carnally captive individual has to explode into arguments and harmful language (harsh and insulting words).
In verse 32, the apostle appeals to the example of God in Christ Jesus to reinforce the determination regarding forgiveness. He says we should treat people the same way God treats us: with forgiveness, which involves kindness and mercy.
It is logical that it is not possible for a natural man to forgive people readily and freely, nor to maintain peace of mind in the midst of life's aggravating experiences. One must know Christ deeply, unite himself so completely as to have a new nature. One must give himself so completely to God that the Holy Spirit, who is not saddened and who dwells in him, has full control of his life. It is necessary for the divine Agape love to dwell gracefully in this world, and maintain the right attitude towards others.
Love and forgiveness must prevail in the family of faith so that men, who are far from our Lord, see for themselves the possibilities of grace.
The blessings of fidelity
- In the world we live in, we are surrounded by unfaithful people, but the Bible assures us that if we are faithful to the Lord, we will be covered with blessings.
- There is a Biblical pattern, there is an exact model for imitating Christ.
- We must be imitators of God. The goal is to imitate our Heavenly Father.
- We must imitate as beloved children. God's infinite love revealed the pattern of behavior to be imitated.
- Why be faithful? Because God is faithful.
- Fidelity is one of its communicable attributes.
- Your fidelity includes temporal and spiritual blessings, helps in temptations and persecutions, gives direction in difficulties.
- Only God is faithful in Himself. We become faithful through the intervention of his mercy.
- At remorse. Thomas with his unbelief, Jesus commands; do not be incredulous, but faithful.
Ephesians 5:1-2

Being FOLLOWERS (mimetai, imitators) of God means WALKING IN LOVE (vs 1,2). God is love, and because He acts according to His nature, He acts lovingly towards men. Paul writes in Romans 5:8 - "But God proves (demonstrates) His love toward us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Already in this epistle the apostle prayed that the Ephesians would be "rooted and founded in love" (4:16). Now he advises them to make their lives a reflection—indeed, a demonstration—of God's love. The imitation must come into effect in a practical and unmistakable way of a loving path of life. LOVE, in this case, is not a Greek translation of the word eros, the love of natural relationships; nor of philia, the love of friendship; but of Agape, the love of pure altruism, selflessness, which demands nothing in return and which only desires the happiness of those who are the objects of that love. Agape is the love of God, which he gives to men most completely in the gift of himself as the Holy Spirit. He gives himself in this way so that men may "live in love."
Ephesians 5:3-4

In verses 1 and 2 the apostle Paul speaks of the pattern of love that is that of Christ who loved us and gave himself for us in offering and sacrifice. Our love must participate in this love of Christ. If we want to imitate God, we must love men with the sacrificial love that Christ exemplified.
In verses 3 and 4 we see the PERVERSION OF LOVE. Now Paul will talk about the opposite of love.
The perversion of love is seen in certain sins:
- FORNICATION (porneia) is all types of immorality and sexual perversion.
- IMPURITY (akatharsia) just means “immorality”, and here it is probably intended to emphasize this aspect of the previous word.
- COVETOUSNESS (vice) or greed. All these acts have only one purpose: to obtain selfish personal ends, despite the harm caused to others. Behavior of this kind destroys all possibilities for genuine love. THE SAINTS (Christians) do not indulge in these love-destroying practices. In fact, Paul says, "Do not even talk about it."
- FILTHINESS (obscene stories), immoral conduct, dirty talk.
- SILLY TALK is foolish talk, the kind of talk that would come from a drunk.
- LEVITY which is lighthearted humorous conversation that borders on indecency.
THEY ARE NOT FOR YOU - We should not conclude that this passage disparages spontaneous Christian joy and a sense of humor, but that Christians should not indulge in empty frivolity. On the contrary, thanksgiving for God having freed them from all sin must be constant in the hearts and mouths of those who follow them.
Ephesians 5:6

You can be assured that no immoral, impure, or greedy person, which is idolatry, will inherit the kingdom of Christ and God.
Let no one deceive you with vain words (superficial arguments). Apparently, the apostle feels compelled to warn them about individuals who would say that these bad habits would not affect the community or personal life.
In the previous post, we talked about the perversion of love. And here we show the penalties for individuals who do this.
b) They are not freed FROM THE WRATH OF GOD.
These penalties will affect those who practice all the things described in verses 3 to 5. From now on, these evildoers do not know the benefits of the Kingdom. In the future, they will even have no part in the Kingdom. By losing the right to the Kingdom, these perverts of love place themselves under the heavy hand of God's righteous wrath. Today, they are already targets of wrath, but on the last Day they will feel the full wrath of God.
Ephesians 5:8

Unfortunately, we believe that prayer is the means to achieve everything that only God can give us. This is an inheritance of religion, which has subtly imposed on man a selfish desire to relate to God only out of interest. And in a certain conformism he accepts the shallowest part, the gifts, losing the deepest, interesting and sufficient part, to know the Lord of gifts.
Let us know, let us press on to know the LORD Hosea 6:3.
The ultimate goal of prayer is not to get the things that have been asked for, but to know God, your mind and your heart.
Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, let not the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches; but let him who glories glory in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD ... (Jeremiah 9:23-24)
Paul wants believing Gods children to live as children of THE LIGHT.
Jezus has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son (Col 1:13).
This language is reminiscent of Israel's deliverance from slavery in Egypt, and from the captivity of Babylon.
Paul contemplates mankind outside of Christ as being hopelessly under the “power of darkness”, Satan's evil rule.
Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil (Ephesians 6:11) (Ephesians 3: 1-3)
That you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, AMONG WHOM YOU SHINE AS LIGHTS IN THE WORLD (Philippians 2:15)
The influence we have on the world is caused by our relationship with Jesus Christ.
The closer you are to the Lord, the MORE OUR INFLUENCE WILL BE!
Ephesians 5:8

WALKING IN LIGHT (5:8-14) Paul contrasts spiritual change using surprising language: For formerly you were in darkness, but now you have light in the Lord. The Ephesians not only walked in darkness, but they were part of the darkness, contributing to the darkness of sin. But with Christ they are now partakers of the light. May all children of light express their true nature; that they live in accordance with it. Jesus spoke about the Christian having his entire body luminous, with no part of him in darkness (Luke 11:34-36).
THE FRUIT OF LIGHT 5:9 The three words GOOD, RIGHT AND TRUE, qualify the fruit, do not reflect important differences. The inevitable ethical responsibility of being similar to God weighs on those who receive the light.
THE LIGHT TEST Paul wants readers to lead their lives in a morally differentiated way. It is absolutely essential that there is a correspondence between our actions and the perfect and rational will of God - as it is known through the guidance of the Holy Spirit - so that God's blessings rest in our lives.
THE CONDEMNATION OF LIGHT (5:11-13) Christians should not communicate with evil, whether actions or people.
On the other hand, the children of light must CONDEMN, reprove or expose the ways of sinners.
Verse 12 expresses why the works of darkness must be condemned. The first reason is their excessive sinfulness: Because what they do… even saying it is shameful.
The second reason is the fact of concealment: Because… they do it in secret. The essential nature of light is to eliminate darkness and expose everything that is hidden.
THE GIFT OF LIGHT (5:14) Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light. The purpose is to praise Christ, the Light of the World, who will give light to all men.
Ephesians 5:15

WALKING IN WISDOM, 5:15-21 Wise are not intellectuals, individuals who have vast academic knowledge. They are those who have received the light and, therefore, are committed to God's truth. Wisdom is in essence derived from faith in God. Paul goes on to show the various ways in which this wisdom manifests itself in personal life and in the community of believers.
REDEEM TIME (v.16) Redeeming means making the most of it. The correct translation would be making the most of opportunities. The service of God lies behind the apostle's thought. Do good, do your duty, testify to Christ, BECAUSE THE DAYS ARE EVIL.
UNDERSTANDING THE LORD'S WILL (v.17) Every Christian life is related to the will of God. This will has as its central purpose the salvation of all men. Paul exhorts Ephesian believers not to be foolish, falling into negligence and inactivity.
BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (v.18) It is likely that behind this exhortation there is a memory of the mystical trances of mystery religions. Such ecstasies were characterized by drinking and orgy, induced by wine. Paul insists that drunkenness is the “gateway to lawlessness”. The Christian must strive to have a clear mind. Being filled with the Spirit should not be a transitory experience, but permanent.
EXPRESS JOY OF THE SPIRIT (v.19,20) We must have a feeling of praise in our hearts. The silent music of the glad heart is to accompany the praise of anointed lips. The central tone of joy is gratitude. God does wonderful things for his people, which He gave through his Son. The man who walks with God always finds that every circumstance has a side that serves as an occasion for thanksgiving.
Ephesians 5:21

Paul's concern for unity in the church comes to the surface again. When the genuine spirit of thanksgiving prevails among God's people, there is a readiness to submit to one another in the community. The equality of each member is produced by the common experience of grace and forgiveness. This is the basis for mutual submission. Mutual does not mean soft and servile surrender to the aggressiveness of others, but is the result in practice of a strong and sensible attitude of respect for oneself and others. FOR FEAR OF CHRIST, this fear is not a pathological fear, but 'reverence', the fear of final judgment is not the context for this behavior. Authoritarianism and independence of spirit end up destroying unity. On the other hand, the joyful mutual subjection between the members is the most sublime reverence for the head of the body: Christ. Such reverence keeps the church at peace, and therein lies its greatest strength.
Ephesians 5:22

For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the church. He is the Savior of His body, the church. Just as the church submits itself to Christ, so you wives must submit yourselves to your husbands in everything (verses 23,24).
Sometimes the modern mind finds this approach to social relations offensive, since unbridled freedom is the god par excellence for today's man.
The specific exhortation is that women should submit to their husbands. Paul does not assert that women are inferior to their husbands or that women must submit to all men. The woman's submission is more voluntary than mandatory. God does not want a woman's submission to her husband to the detriment of her Christian responsibility to walk in holiness and righteousness before God. The marriage relationship is elevated to a higher level, as Paul compares it to the relationship between Christ and His church. The husband is not his wife's savior. However, the analogy indicates that the husband must be the protector of his wife. Under the regime of voluntary submission, the wife can serve her husband just as the church serves Christ, with freedom and dignity.
Sin has distorted the relationship between man and woman at any level, but believers are called to relate according to the Creator's plan, instituted in the garden of Eden, before sin entered the world. This plan is marked by a holy reciprocity, in which the husband's loving leadership provokes responsive submission from the wife, just as the wife's submissive cooperation provokes sensitive leadership. In this way, the image of God is properly reflected.
Ephesians 5:25

The expression AMAI is a present imperative and means "continue loving". Throughout the years of marriage, the husband must love his wife as they loved each other on the day they got married.
The husband must love as Christ loved the church. This is the characteristic of love that a husband must have. Christ's love for the church is the supreme example of all loves. And what is the love of Christ like?
- The love of Christ is a selfless love (5:25) - As Christ gave himself for the church, so the husband must be ready to make any and all sacrifices, even the sacrifice, if necessary, of his own life, for the good wife's well-being and happiness.
- THE LOVE OF CHRIST IS SANCTIFYING (5:26,27). The church is loved so that it may be sanctified.
The church is sanctified and purified: by the washing of water - baptism. By the Word. - THE LOVE OF CHRIST IS A GENEROUS AND SUSTAINING LOVE (5:28-31). The husband must love like his own body. It is not about love for the physical body. A husband must love his wife as her own body; as part of your total self, and not as another being that is external to you.
And when a husband thinks that his wife is a part of him, like the flesh itself, he instinctively supports his wife, protects her, and cares for her.
THE LOVE OF CHRIST IS A MYSTERY (5:32,33) The big exclamatory statement IS THIS MYSTERY needs clarification. The mystery that Paul refers to is Christ's love and sacrifice for his redeemed people.
Ephesians 6:1 and 4

By including these few verses, Paul dignifies the child's place in the home and in the Christian community. Such concern was not the attitude of the ancient world. The Roman system gave the father absolute power over his children. He had the right to punish them as his wrath depravedly dictated, to sell them into slavery if he thought they were too costly or useless to him, or, under certain conditions, to kill them. This power of the father over his children predominated throughout their lives. Childhood life had no value, as revealed in a letter dated 1 BC, written by Hilary, a Roman soldier from Alexandria, Egypt, to his wife, Alis. He orders his pregnant wife to let the child live if it is a boy, but to banish it if it is a girl. Leaving children to fend for themselves as best they could was a common practice in those days. When Jesus called little children to Himself, He was speaking out against this devaluation of young human life (Mt 19:14). Paul sides with Jesus when he sees the infinite value of each child, a fact supported by the careful description of the mutual responsibilities between children and parents.
Much disobedience is the result of children's unwillingness to listen to the instructions they receive and the reasons for those instructions. Children have a moral obligation, as far as they understand it, to keep the lines of communication between themselves and their parents open, being ready to listen and obey. IN THE LORD, defines the sphere in which obedience must occur.
Parents, do not provoke your children to anger. Paul urges parents not to "excite the evil passions of their children by severity, injustice, partiality, or the unreasonable exercise of authority". Discipline at home is absolutely necessary, but too many rules and regulations end up creating righteous rebellion. So what Paul meant was: "Fathers, do not overcorrect your children or make it difficult for them to obey the commandment".
There is a spiritual conflict that we face daily. OUR COMBAT IS AGAINST SPIRITUAL FORCES, AND NOT AGAINST MEN.
The protection and resources that God has given us to face this enemy are great.
Recognize that your demonic enemies are behind much of what happens, are to harm us. - EVERY DAY, CONSCIOUSLY PUT THE SPIRITUAL ARMOR THAT GOD HAS GIVEN YOU.
- Learn and understand the nature of this divine protection Ephesians 6:14-17.
Take also the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God Ephesians 6:17.
DO NOT MISS THIS WAR! GOD IS WITH YOU! Just TRUST HIM ... looking and confessing the Word!
Ephesians 6:10

Paul wants his readers to realize that there are destructive forces at work in the affairs of everyday life, and that they must be prepared for the enemy's attacks on the peaceful existence they lead. Their hope is to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His power.
In Ephesians 1:19, Paul prays that they would be so enlightened that they would understand "the exceeding greatness of His power," and perceive "the working of the might of His power" by faith. In 3:16, he prays that they will be strengthened with power by the Spirit. At this point, Paul deals with a deeper experience of the Holy Spirit. In this verse, however, the emphasis is not on acquiring new power, but on using the strength that Christians now possess through their union in Christ. In the conflict with demonic powers, Christians must immediately and continuously use the power of Christ to have victory. What applies to the individual Christian also applies to the church collectively as it seeks to stem the tide of evil in the world.
Ephesians 6:10-13

WE ARE IN BATTLE - Spiritual battle is not an exclusive reality for “superspirituals”. According to Martin Scott: SPIRITUAL WAR IS LIVING FOR CHRIST IN THE CONTEXT OF A HOSTILE ENVIRONMENT.
Ephesians gives us insight into the nature of the spiritual conflict we face daily. OUR COMBAT IS AGAINST SPIRITUAL FORCES, NOT AGAINST MEN.
The protection and resources that God has given us to face this enemy are great.
We are seated together with Christ in the heavenlies (Ephesians 1.20-21) This is our position in Christ!
Ephesians 6:11

Ephesians 6:11 - FERVENT PRAYER!
God's plan for you is to move you into a position of impact, filling you with word and prayerful commitment.
1. Do not forget who the real enemy is.
2. Do not forget the ONE you are all hope without.
Through intentional, deliberate, and strategic prayer, you take hold of Jesus and take possession of all that He has done for him!
IN PRAYER YOU GAIN YOUR STRENGTH! The power to gird yourself with armor that extinguishes all weapons your enemy wields.
Ephesians 6:11

The armor that is the power of God must be a total reality in the lives of God's children, so that they can win in this cosmic conflict.
The purpose for putting on the armor of God is, so that there is defense against THE DEVIL'S Cunning SCAMS. Cunning is better translated as "maneuvering" or "strategies". The word occurs nowhere else in Greek literature except in this letter. Apparently, the intention is to convey the idea of deceptive plans or cunning attacks. Included in the DEVIL'S PITS are all "the multiple temptations to unbelief, sin and conformity with the surrounding pagan world that harasses the believer at all times". The extremely subtle attacks that the Christian suffers are more than of human mental origin. Paul himself had had extensive experience with the works of the devil, leading him to assert, "We are not ignorant of his devices" (2 Cor. 2:11).
Ephesians 6:12

The enemy to be defeated is the devil and all his armies of demonic forces in the universe. Paul makes it clear that Christian warfare is not waged against human forces, because he says we do not have to fight against flesh and blood. If this was the case, human strength would be sufficient. Because spiritual forces are arrayed in battle array against the believer, only divine and spiritual resources can resist them. There are several ranks in the hierarchy of Satan's armies, but it is almost impossible to distinguish them. Suffice it to say that no matter how stable the lives of God's children are, they are never free from Satan's subtle attacks by agencies of the evil power structure.
Paul was not thinking about the demonic powers of contemporary history (dictatorial governments and anti-religious communism) that claim to themselves the status and attributes of deity. The believer's personal enemy is not omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, but is organized throughout the world for the sole purpose of defeating God's people.
Ephesians 6:13

Paul means that: We, realizing the concentration and power of our enemies, must take on the armor of God (verses 14-18). The objective of the properly armed soldier is to resist in the evil day and, having done everything, to stand firm.
And when is the evil day? I consider it to be the special time of conflict for each particular Christian, as Psalm 41:1 indicates "The Lord will deliver him in the day of evil." Also the evil day is the designation of the present era. In Ephesians 5:16, Paul states that THE DAYS ARE EVIL. The age is evil because of the evil forces that, although they have been defeated by Christ, still exercise control over the world that does not benefit from the fruits of Christ's victory. The Christian must take the armor that God provides and, having fastened it tightly around himself, go out to resist the evil of his day.
AND HAVING DONE ALL, STAND FIRM. When we defeat and drive the enemy from the field, we stand victorious and fearless. Resisting effectively means not being dislodged from your position and maintaining your position with triumph. Therefore: the apostle never considers the possibility of defeat.
Ephesians 6:14

Ephesians 6:11 - FERVENT PRAYER!
God's plan for you is to move you into a position of impact, filling you with word and prayerful commitment.
1. Do not forget who the real enemy is.
2. Do not forget the ONE you are all hope without.
Through intentional, deliberate, and strategic prayer, you take hold of Jesus and take possession of all that He has done for him!
IN PRAYER YOU GAIN YOUR STRENGTH! The power to gird yourself with armor that extinguishes all weapons your enemy wields.
- Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness (Ephesians 6:14).
- I (Jesus) have said this to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (John 16:33).
- For the weapons of our warfare are not worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholdss (2 Cor. 10: 4).
- Fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand (Isa 41:10).
- The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them (Ps 34: 7).
- Those who love Christ are in direct opposition to satan, and must prepare themselves for war by developing warrior mentality in line with spiritual weapons.
- We need to strengthen ourselves in the Lord, in His Power, the Bible knowledge and living under the control of the Holy Spirit.
- The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold (Ps 18: 2).
- Truth is like a firm foundation that sustains us in the face of any adverse situation.

Ephesians 6:14

THE TRUTH - Here it is to be understood subjectively, but it is more than the human virtue of sincerity and honesty in the usual sense. This truth is the knowledge and belief in the revealed word of God, the Bible. The apostle is thinking in existential terms when he speaks of truth. When the Christian soldier sticks to the truth of the Bible, in the Pauline sense, he appropriates the Word by faith. This gives security, stability and determination to his life and actions. Thus, he not only has wisdom and understanding, but also lives in truth. This is where his strength lies at the time of trial. Reason, tradition, creeds, and philosophies may collapse under the strain of battle, but the created and lived Word of God remains intact. To be girded with truth means to be calm and strong in the reality and simplicity, by grace, of your relationships with the King Jesus.
THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS - Righteousness is the life of purity and justice that the new relationship with God creates. WHEN THE BELIEVER CLOTHES HIMSELF IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, HE IS INVINCIBLE. Words are no defense against accusations, but a righteous life is. Cowardice and hesitation are byproducts of an unrighteous heart, while bravery and courage emanate from righteous thoughts and actions.
Ephesians 6:15

Specifically designed military sandals (with spikes) were made to maintain balance on rough terrain. They provided support for the feet, making movements more agile. The Christian warrior needs to have the protection and mobility of feet shod in the preparation of the Gospel of peace. The word "preparation" can mean:
1- Preparation in terms of getting ready
2- The state of readiness
3- Foundation or firmness
4- Readiness or promptness of mind
5- The readiness that the Gospel of peace creates.
As the Gospel secures our peace with God, and gives the assurance of His favor, it produces that joyful alertness of mind which is essential in spiritual conflict. The peace that Paul writes about is peace with God for salvation. Isaiah 52:7 says: How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns."
Ephesians 6:16

The shield, in this case, is not the small, circular shield that Roman soldiers raised, but the large, oblong shield, which was part of the Roman military uniform when the battle was severe. This shield was hollowed out of wood and covered with leather to intercept and extinguish the fire arrows that the enemy shot. The heavily armed Christian carries a shield of faith, the faith which comes by divine forgiveness and the power of new life. On the other hand, this faith is a total trust in God, which looks completely outside of oneself, focused on God. The faith that brings freedom from sin is the faith that keeps. The faith that responds obediently to God’s call. A Christian's trust must be in God. He/she must be a person of deep conviction. He/she knows what he/she is, and who he/she belongs to. With this kind of faith, every fiery projectile the enemy (satan and demons) throws will be intercepted and extinguished.
Ephesians 6:17

After putting on the other pieces of armor, the soldier received the helmet from the servant, a suitably adjusted and lighter military outfit to protect this vital part of the body. Similarly, he received the sword. THE SALVATION THAT WE RECEIVE FROM GOD IS OUR GREATEST PROTECTION of all ideals that are worthwhile in human life. The helmet symbolizes the protection assured by participation in God's salvation. If soldiers enter battle alienated from God, strangers and foreigners, without God, they have no guarantee of protection. But if they are partakers of God's grace unto salvation, they will be more than conquerors. God cares for those who belong to him: "If God is for us, who can be against us?" (Rom 8:31; Rom 8:37-39). And this salvation encompasses the present and the future. In 1 Thessalonians 5:8 we read that the helmet is the "hope of salvation".
Sword of the Spirit. This part can be interpreted in two ways, one is that THE SWORD IS THE SPIRIT, so the text would be like this: "Take... for your sword the Spirit, which is the voice of God". Another is: Take... the sword that is the property of the Spirit "in other words, the sword of the Spirit is the sword that the Spirit gives".
Sword is the word of God. In Matthew 10:19: The disciples are exhorted not to worry about what they will say when they are taken into custody, "for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour". The word of God is also the Scriptures. The very fact that Jesus repelled Satan with the Scriptures amply supports this idea.
All other pieces of armor mentioned in this list are defensive in nature, as their purpose is to allow the Christian to stand firm. But the sword of the Spirit is for offensive warfare. We must attack Satan and also defend ourselves; the shield in one hand and the sword in the other. Whoever fights against the powers of hell needs both. Hebrews 4:12 says, "For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword".
Ephesians 6:18

The fuel that drives everything is prayer.
We pray because our solutions do not work and because PRAYER MOVES, ACTIVATES AND STRENGTHENS against the enemy's attacks.
We pray because we are serious about taking back the territory that the enemy has been trying to take from us.
The enemy will try to discourage you from prayer.
He wants you to be without prayer, without passion and without power.
Do not get carried away by negative circumstances!
ARM YOURSELF WITH WEAPONS OF WAR and appeal to the power of the Holy Spirit!
Ephesians 6:18

Christ has entrusted the lives of all true believers with the same power and authority that reside in HIS NAME.
When we look at the role of Christ our great intercessor, we see three important phases in intercession.
We have to identify with the homeless, the sick, the drug and alcohol prisoners, the prostitutes… - SACRIFICE - SELF-SACRIFICE The I-SELF must be crucified. We have to want to set aside our own desires and give ourselves sacrificially by prayer and fasting for the needs of others. Jesus said: unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24
When I-SELF begins to die and we allow the Holy Spirit to have complete control to pray through us with inexpressible groans, we enter that dimension of power and authority that is ours in Jesus name.
This is what it means to enter the spiritual arena of intercession to win the battle first in PRAYER.
Ephesians 6:18

Certain commentators consider prayer to be the seventh piece of the Christian's armor. The indication for prayer is linked with all preceding orders. The Christian soldier can remain faithful, being successful in resisting spiritual enemies, only when he remains in the Spirit of prayer, always ready to place his needs before the Lord.
ALWAYS PRAY (6:18) - en panti kairo, on all occasions, all the time. In Thessalonians 5:17 Paul exhorts believers: "pray without ceasing". Our Lord said that people should ALWAYS PRAY AND NEVER GET DISCOURAGED (Luke 18:1). Constancy in prayer is imperative for victory.
PRAY IN THE SPIRIT - (6:18). It does not refer to the human spirit with its capacity for devotion and ardor, but the Holy Spirit, who powerfully inspires and intercedes. He helps us to formulate petitions according to God's will (Rom 8:26,27).
PRAY WITH ALL PERSEVERANCE AND SUPLICATION FOR ALL SAINTS - Christians must be vigilant in prayer, indifference is not allowed. This is the only way we can be prepared. Pray for all the Christian believerfs. The believer fights with more courage and courage when he knows that he is not alone. And especially when he realizes that others are firm with him in prayer.