Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Daniel
After the fall of Judah under Babylonian rule, Nebuchadnezzar - the king of Babylon at that time - decided to take some Hebrew men and train them as his servants. The monarch's aim was for them to be molded into the lifestyle of his court.
But Daniel, one of the devout young men of the kingdom of Judah who loved the Lord, was determined to please God and not men. He refused to conform to what the king and others thought he should be.
Daniel maintained his position and won the favor of the king and his court. As a result of his fearless attitude, God ended up using him in a powerful way.
Daniel had the opportunity to eat the expensive and sophisticated foods of the king's table, but he decided not to contaminate himself with those delights. You and I have similar opportunities for us to contaminate today, particularly in the entertainment arena. We can be corrupted by the ungodly influence of television shows, movies we watch, or music we listen to. We can also corrupt ourselves by making compromises and hanging out with friends who are making bad choices. Are you willing to be like Daniel and decide not to contaminate yourself? Ask God to help you make holy choices and stay faithful to Him.
Daniel went through a period of testing and proving, but the same king who tried to make him conform to his mold had so much respect for him that he exalted him, giving him a high position in the kingdom (see Daniel 2:48).
Those who try to make you conform will not respect you if you do. Indeed they will despise your weakness. They will know that they are controlling you and that what they are doing is wrong. But if you act firmly, you will end up being respected. For a while they may treat you as if you were the most despicable creature on earth. But at the end of the day, you will earn their respect. Integrity and holy convictions lead to blessing and favor.
Daniel 2:21 tells us that "God changes times and seasons". This is true not only in the natural world, but also in our lives. God's timing and ways are always perfect. Do you trust Him entirely to bring about the changes you need in your life when the time is right? He is doing a good work in you, so encourage you to cooperate with the changes He brings. You will be glad you did.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, Daniel's three closest friends, refused to bow before the statue. They had the same spirit of excellence and holiness that Daniel had, and so they refused to obey the king.
Is not that more or less what the world says to you and me? If we refuse to conform to the world's standards, it threatens us by saying, “If you do not bend over and do what we want, if you do not fit our mold, we are going to hurt you one way or another. The world may threaten us, but with God we are always victorious.
Let us pray that God will give us that same kind of courage and faith.
Daniel had EXTRAORDINARY INTELLIGENCE, that is, above the common, which shows us that a spirit of excellence was found in him. We must resolve to come to terms with God that, like Daniel, we will be extraordinary and not mediocre. We must review our lives and eliminate anything that embarrasses us or simply steals our time. We must be determined, work hard and refuse to give up - drawing strength from God and not depending on ourselves. If we do these things persistently and with a spirit of excellence, we will finally gain victory.
We see that Daniel certainly believed in the importance of prayer. King Darius had issued a royal decree saying that for thirty days anyone who petitioned any god or man other than the king would be thrown into the lion's den.
Daniel continued to pray as he always did. He apparently knew that God's protection could render men's threats utterly void. If we believe we are doing God's will and are met with opposition, we need to be like Daniel and continue to boldly do what God has instructed us to do, trusting that He will protect us.
Daniel's life was characterized by pressure to conform to what others wanted him to do and be. He refused to give in to the pressure. After a period of trial and tribulation, God exalted him, and he was placed in charge of the whole kingdom.
Has the courage to be different. It will change hisyour life, and God will lift you up as you face the situation.
Daniel 7:25 says that Satan seeks to oppress the saints of the Most High God. How does this "oppression" occur? Usually Satan's work is barely noticeable, because he tries to oppress us gradually - a little here and a little there. Satan knows that it takes more than one attack to oppress us, so he comes back relentlessly several times. One of the ways to oppress is by stealing our time, forcing us to deal with the problems it generates. He would like us to spend our lives trying to put out the little fires he starts.
And what to do? What is the solution? James 4:7 says that we must submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from us. Note that we must resist the devil. One should not be patient with the devil, when he attacks, we should immediately begin to praise God; in this way we resist the devil. Another way is to apply the blood of Jesus by faith to the situation. And finally, bring Satan's memory to the cross where Jesus utterly defeated him; remind him that he is already a defeated enemy and that you will not be deceived or deceived in any way. Let him know that you recognize that he is the one coming to attack you and that you will not blame people, God, or life for what he is doing.
Daniel 7:25

Daniel 7:25 tells us that at the end of time Satan will oppress the saints (the godly)! But it also tells us in verse 27 what will happen next: "And the kingdom, and the power, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High."
Although Satan unleashes an onslaught of oppression against the saints, Jesus came to give us victory over his attacks and to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
Convince yourself of this truth: Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. Although Satan will try to attack those of us who have accepted Jesus, "Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world" (1 John 4:4).
Satan is already out to change laws and he succeeds quite well because we live in the time before the Great Tribulation. Those who take the 666 mark of the Beast (Satan) will be given into his power for a time and times and a half a time (1 year + 2 years + 1/2 years = 3 1/2 years), beginning in the second half of the Great Tribulation, when Satan will enter the temple (soon to be built) in Jerusalem and declare himself god.
Never speak words that make satan believe that he is winning.
Your words are life!
Express hope and trust in God.
YOUR WORDS ARE WEAPONS! Use them to your advantage.
WATCH YOUR WORDS. Do not provide ammunition to your enemy.
YOU ARE A WINNER and recognize that there is power in your words!
Not only does God respond to the voice of faith, but angels are also actuated by His words.