Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - Colossians

Colossians 1:1

Colossians 1:1

The letter of Colossians. Summarizing what this letter is all about.
REASON - When writing this letter to the Colossians, Paul enters into great combat (2:1) with one of the most formidable opponents of his career. This enemy of the church is a weird combination of Jewish and Eastern religious practices with Christianity. Writers who lived in periods after the apostle called this combination GNOSTICISM.
This subtle heresy, revealed in chapter 2 of the letter, is not necessarily an attempt to eliminate Christ from religion, but to show that He is inadequate as the Savior of men. Christ is, according to this position, a created being, greater than men, of course, but less than God, one of the many mediators between God and man. Christ is stripped of His essential deity and deprived of His propitiatory work on Calvary.

AUTHOR Verse 1 tell us that Paul is the author.

PURPOSE Paul's purpose is to refuse to confine the person of Christ within the limits of Messianic Judaism, or, on the other hand, to deny space to the extravagant systems of Gnostic theosophy, in which the historical Jesus played a merely subsidiary role.

Paul shows the uniqueness of the Christian faith and its inevitable conflict with all other religious systems and human philosophies. The uniqueness is linked to the person of Christ, as the fruit of faith in Him is ethical justice (Col 3:9). Paul will isolate all deceivers of Christ and his position, and will eliminate the practice of formulating doctrines according to human wisdom rather than articulating them according to divine revelation. He will refute all who wish to add any other requirement to salvation than Christ. He will accomplish his goal, declaring that divine fullness dwells in Jesus Christ, that He is the mystery that has been revealed, that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are in Him and are through Him, and that perfection comes only in union with Him.

Colossians 1:13-14

Colossians 1:13-14

DELIVERED US - Freed, delivered, took us away. It was a decisive and complete act. It is a current liberation from sin and sinning, something that has already been done.

FROM POWER - Dominion of darkness. This is reminiscent of Paul's conversion experience and subsequent commission. He was delivered from the dominion of Satan into devotion to Christ, from slavery into freedom, from bondage into sonship, from darkness into light. Christ never tyrannizes; Satan always exercises tyrannical rule. The passions of sin always tyrannically dominate man. The fruits of the spirit never keep man under tyrannizing domination; the believer controls them.

AND TRANSFERRED US - Transference is an experience in effect. It is God who causes this change of position. There is a work of mass relocation of entire populations, from the tyrannical rule of Satan to the loving kingdom of Jesus Christ.

HIS BELOVED SON - is a literal translation. The Father gave the Kingdom to His Son, and by a mighty act made arrangements to populate it with a redeemed people who will share in the inheritance. Such an inheritance requires gratitude on our part.

Colossians 1:15

Colossians 1:15

In writing the epistle to the Colossians, Paul challenges what writers later called Gnosticism. This false philosophy was the mortal enemy of Christ and the church. Here, Paul presents the foundations for the fight, sets the tone and builds his challenges to resolve such controversies. To do this, he summons the highest Authority, God himself, to testify against this very serious threat to Christ. Then, Paul declares the certainty that the initial experience of the Colossian believers focused only on Christ.

The problem of the Colossos community is pertinent today. The world is opening up by leaps and bounds to accept the supposed Gnostic notion of Christ, which holds that it adapts to all religions and systems. In the face of so many cults, the question remains perennial: WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CHRIST? Whose son is he? (Mt 22:42). Once again, each individual must identify Jesus Christ on his/her own in Biblical terms and according to his considerations. And the Epistle to the Colossians is splendidly suited to make this identification possible.

Colossians 1:19-20

Colossians The deity was pleased to reside in Jesus Christ. God reconciles all things through the self-denial of Christ. Peace was achieved by the blood of Jesus on the Cross. Although the efficacy of blood is ridiculed and denied by scoffers, here it is exalted.</p>
<p>We have in verses 19:20 THE PLAN OF SALVATION:<br>
1- Who saves (God)<br>
2- What does He do to save, (v20) Sends Jesus<br>
3- How does He do it (Jesus dies shedding His blood)<br>
4- Why? Because it pleased God the Father (John 8:9)

The deity was pleased to reside in Jesus Christ. God reconciles all things through the self-denial of Christ. Peace was achieved by the blood of Jesus on the Cross. Although the efficacy of blood is ridiculed and denied by scoffers, here it is exalted.

We have in verses 19:20 THE PLAN OF SALVATION:
1- Who saves (God)
2- What does He do to save, (v20) Sends Jesus
3- How does He do it (Jesus dies shedding His blood)
4- Why? Because it pleased God the Father (John 8:9)

Colossians 1:23

Colossians 1:23

Standing firm is the same as being faithful or persistent. It is God who qualifies for his inheritance among the sanctified, but the believer has to continue believing. Free will is not destroyed at the moment a person accepts Jesus.

Given the reality of the experience in Christ, the Colossian believers are warned about the dangers along the way towards the Celestial City. They can still be deceived and alienated. Paul asks them to remember how they were reconciled and for what purpose, so that they can be alert and prepared.

Paul's message is apostolically certified. In the expression WHICH I, PAUL, the name of the apostle serves to give emphasis. We must remember Paul's experience on the road to Damascus and his commission to understand the guarantee of I WAS APPOINTED AS A SERVANT. Paul's proclamation is threefold: he is a minister of Christ, the Gospel and the church.

Colossians 1:27

Colossians 1:27

The mystery that Paul had to make known is not just an empty ritual as it was shared by false teachers with a few initiates. It is a presence that inhabits the believer and must be shared with the whole world. The riches of the glory of the ministry revealed and not only Christ incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, but Christ in every man, making him/she new (2 Cor 5:17 Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come.)

The phrase CHRIST IN YOU, THE HOPE OF GLORY speaks of three blessings: the divine and indwelling presence in this life, the destiny planned for the Saints, and the means to achieve this holy goal. The Christ who dwells in the believer is the guarantee of future glory. Eternity is here - the past, the present and the future. This glory is experienced here, but fully realized only in Heaven (Rom 3:23; 8:18).

The text of Romans 3:23 shows that the glory of God is moral purity. Man, by sinning, lacks this glory. The work of the indwelling Christ in the believer is the restoration of that glory. The expression THE DEEPEREST LIFE OF SANCTIFICATION IS SIMPLY CHRIST WITHIN THE BELIEVER.

Colossians 2:8

Colossians 2:8

DO NOT ALLOW others to enslave you or kidnap, deprive, or steal. It is an exhortation about the possibility of apostasy. The text shows that the believer is personally responsible, is a participant in his own deception.

EMPTY PHILOSOPHIES, when it is human wisdom that opposes revelation, distance us from Christ. AND DECEPTIVE INVENTIONS which is the same as 'illusory speculations' and worthless arguments. The apostle is not against wisdom and knowledge in themselves, but against human arrogance as the source of these things. It is extremely common for people to want a Christ according to the thought system, and not a thought system according to the sanctified Christ.

Paul shows two traps:

  1. THE TRADITION OF MEN, or mere human wisdom, which is always inferior to divine revelation and the RUDIMENTS OF THE WORLD, the demonic powers or elementary spirits
  2. Teaching and beings contrary to Christ and strong enough to keep the person in subjection. Influential but not supreme powers.

True worship is opposed to human traditions that culminate in ceremonialism, rituals, forms, signs and special days. Similar worship attributes value only to God. Christianity that focuses excessively on forms and ceremonies is a phenomenal regression and fall. It is the human substitute for a holy and sin-deadly religion. Because such religious practice is in accordance with men, and not according to Christ.

Colossians 2:9-10

Colossians 2:9-10

CHRIST IS GOD - Here we have a reiteration of the doctrine of the incarnation. In Christ, all the elements of the deity dwell or are present. ALL THE FULLNESS OF THE DIVINITY does not just mean the characteristics of the deity, but the nature itself. ALL does not admit fault. CORPORALLY means in human flesh, really; not typically or figuratively, but substantially or personally, by the strictest union, as the soul dwells in the body; so that God and man are one Christ. We can only admire and sing the wonder of all these things! What arrogant infallibility it is to declare Christ fallible!
Teacherism said that Christ only looked like a man.
Gnosticism emphasized that deity was distributed among many beings, among which Christ was one. But Paul is saying that Jesus Christ is God in the flesh. In the Son are the attributes of deity. The deity actually dwells entirely in Christ. True knowledge (gnosis) is Christ; There is no more complete nor more inclusive revelation of God than Christ. For Paul, Christ is not just a member of an order of beings superior to men, but inferior to God, as the masters of Gnosticism said. Jesus Christ is God manifested in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16).

Colossians 2:11-12

Colossians 2:11-12

Two metaphors illustrate salvation through atonement: CIRCUMCISION AND BAPTISM. Which has Christ as its antecedent and means union with him. Here, circumcised refers to a spiritual act reminiscent of the physical rite of the Jewish faith. This is an inner purification, which for Paul was true circumcision. The illustration suggests that it is a conclusive act and not a long process.

Buried with Him in baptism is another illustration of what it means to be delivered from the old life of sin and enter into the new life of salvation. It is a symbol of death and resurrection. In baptism, we symbolically died to the old life, were buried and resurrected with Christ to the new life. THROUGH THE GREAT POWER OF GOD. Man's faith is inspired by the power there was to raise Christ from the dead. Satan's powers proved insufficient to hold Christ captive, and so do we. You do not need to turn to other characters said to be sanctified to intercede for you, this is a false teaching that places Christ as if He were not capable and needed reinforcement or a little help from other saints. CHRIST IS ENOUGH! You just need to pray to God in the name of Jesus! Just do it.

Colossians 2:13-15

Colossians 2:13-15

DEAD IN SINS - Describes man's natural condition in relation to God - morally dead, but physically alive.
UNCIRCUMCISION OF YOUR FLESH is another way of describing the depraved condition of man.
GOD GAVE US LIFE WITH CHRIST - shows that union with Christ is the means of new life. If the "head" is alive, the "body" is also alive. BEING UNITED WITH CHRIST IS LIFE.
ALL OUR SINS- shows that forgiveness is total. Christ is sufficient Savior.
REGISTRATION OF ACCUSATIONS - debt writing, debt title or confirmed accusations is a signed contract, an acknowledgment of debt made with God and signed by humanity. All men admit the fact of sin, and agree in the justice of the death penalty on that account.
IF IT HAS BEEN SCRATCHED OR REMOVED - it means that the charge has been "smeared" as happens when wax is applied. When we died with Christ, we were freed from the obligation to pay the debt. Christ is the propitiation for our debt (Rom 3:24;25).
NAILING HIM TO THE CROSS - meaning a finished job.V GOVERNMENTS AND SPIRITUAL AUTHORITIES - In death, Jesus submitted to them and then triumphed over them. He confronts these demonic forces and shows that they are in total opposition to him. By submitting to the cross, he PUBLICLY EXPOSED THEM. He reveals in public the true nature of these beings.
AND OUR LORD OF THEM TRIUMPHED - leading them as a victorious general leads his prisoners in victory procession. The cross is the cosmic battlefield, where Christ alone defeated all the powers of hell (Eph 2:15,16), unmasking them, showing them what they really are - enemies of God and all good.

Christ is personally responsible for our redemption. He conquered all opposing forces on Calvary and in the grave. It was this decisive cosmic battle between God and all satanic forces.

Colossians 3:1

Colossians 3:1

Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Keep your mind on things above, not on earthly things.

If we want to have an abundant life, we must keep our minds focused on good things.

Many believers want a quality life, but they sit passively, just wishing for something good to happen. Often times, they are jealous of those who walk victoriously and harbor resentment because their own lives are so difficult.

If you want to have victory over your problems, if you really want to live the resurrection life that Jesus offers, you need to have determination and not just desire! You must be determined to have victory and refuse to settle for anything less than God's best. You must be active and not passive. The right action begins with the right thought. Do not have an inert mind. Start choosing the right thoughts today. Set your mind on things above and keep it there!

Colossians 3:5-6

Colossians 3:5-6

PUT TO DEATH - It talks about killing and does not refer to the misuse of the body for merit. What has to stop is the misuse of the body's members for the satisfaction of the ego. The act is crucial and final.
Making one die is a change of will, taking it away from the ego and placing it in God. It is you who must carry it out, it is the person's own action. It shows that the believer has a vital part in putting an end to bad practices. The believer's part complements God's work.

COVETOUSNESS - It is not only greed that should be considered as idolatry, but all the other sins listed are also of the essence of false worship. Anything that takes the place of God is idolatry.

In verse 6 it says: It is because of these sins that the wrath of God comes. The term "wrath" does not mean vengeful evil, but righteous judgment. God is very fair. Wrath is inevitable because God is holy. God is actively opposed to evildoers.

Verse 7 says: You used to practice it in another time, when your life was part of this world. The memory of the old life and friends in moral degradation is another incentive to make carnal desires die.

Colossians 3:8

Colossians 3:8

We must mortify disordered appetites because these things are contrary to the design of the gospel, as well as more serious impurities. The gospel religion introduces a change in both the higher and lower powers of the soul, and supports the dominion of reason and right conscience over appetite and passion. Anger and wrath are bad, but malice is worse, it is an intensified and accommodated anger. And as the corrupt principles in the heart must be cut off, so must their result in the tongue.

Slander is speaking ill of God and speaking ill of people, giving evil reports about them and insulting their good name through some perverse artifice;

Nasty words or obscene language, that is, all lewd and debauched speech, which comes from a corrupted mind in the one who speaks and propagates profanity in the listeners.

Think about your life before becoming a Christian. What is the difference between then and now? Ask God to continue to help you put off the "old man" and put on the "new man". Be determined to seek righteousness in all areas of your life.

Colossians 3:9

Colossians 3:9

DO NOT LIE is, literally, DO NOT LIE TO YOURSELF, and implies that those who lie come to believe their own lies. Lying is not the expected natural result of the act of renunciation. We must put into daily practice what was definitively done when we accepted Jesus. The adopted child has to live in harmony with his new environment and grow.

PUT OFF is the same as they stripped, they took off their clothes and shows, once again, the need for man's participation and responsibility in the life of justice that originates through faith in Christ.

THE OLD NATURE Some versions say "the old man" which is the old pattern of life. For example, it speaks of the illustration of weaving the fabric of life by an old pattern or by a new pattern. Also, the old man is MY SINNER STATUS AS THE SON OF ADAM.

It is confusing to read that the I-self must die or be crucified; and it is a lame psychologist to compare the I-self with the old man, which has to be stripped away. In a sense, we say that the I-self dies to the old life when the former sinful life is stripped away. He becomes dead to sin and alive to God.

Colossians 3:9b-10

Colossians 3:9b-10

Paul used the word PUT OFF in verse 9 the old man. And now he uses "put on" the new man, that is, a new creature in Christ Jesus. It is the renewed, or regenerated and sanctified self. From time to time you may make it your home, but you will be happy with it at home and exist in Christ.

In this new life, it does not matter whether you are Jew or Gentile, whether you are circumcised or uncircumcised, whether you are uneducated or uncivilized, whether you are a slave or a living person. Christ is all that matters, and He lives in everyone (verse 11).

In this world of new men there are no social classes. So you have to pay attention to your qualifications – not race, rite or culture. Christ is today and today he is a Christian, which means he is a social position. National, religious, cultural and social discrimination disappears in the Christian community. CHRIST IS ALL IN ALL who are in Christ are equally in Him and Christ in them. Christ is all that matters.

Colossians 3:12

Colossians 3:12

This text needs to be read many times by ourselves, until these words can enter our minds and change our actions. How many arguments could be avoided if we practiced this verse? This is the type of behavior we should demonstrate in all situations.

Let us have more patience with our children, spouses, employees, and those we lead. Patience is not the ability to wait, but to maintain a positive and balanced attitude while we wait.

Let us exercise patience in all circumstances.

Colossians 3:12 Part 2

Colossians 3:12 Part 2

The apostle exhorts us to love and compassion for one another: PUT ON COMPASSION. We are not only to put off anger and wrath (v.8), but we are to put on compassion and kindness; not only to cease from doing evil, but to learn to do as much good as possible to all.

The argument here used to enforce the exhortation is very affectionate: PUT ON YOURSELVES THEREFORE AS GOD’S ELECT, HOLY, AND BELOVED. NOTE: Those who are holy, are God’s elect; and those who are God’s elect, and holy, are beloved—ones of God, and should be so to all people.

Notice what we are specifically to put on:
COMPASSION toward the miserable. Be ye therefore merciful, even as your Father also is merciful (Luke 6:36).

KINDNESS toward our friends and those who love us. The plan of the gospel is not only to calm people’s minds, but to soften them and promote friendship among them, as well as reconciliation with God.

HUMILITY, in submission to those above us and condescension to those below us. Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart (Matthew 11:29).

GENTLENESS toward those who have insulted us, or have been in any way offensive to us. We must control our own anger and patiently bear the wrath of others.

PATIENCE toward those who continue to offend us. Love suffers long, as well as is patient (1 Cor. 13:4). Many can bear a short provocation, but grow weary when it goes on for a long time. If God is longsuffering toward us, in the face of all our provocations to Him, we should also exercise patience toward others in similar situations.

Colossians 3:13

Colossians 3:13

MUTUAL SUPPORT IN THE WEAKNESSES AND WEAKNESSES IN WHICH WE ALL LABOUR: Bearing with one another. We all have something that needs to be borne with by others, and that is a good reason why we should bear with others in those things in which we disagree. We need the same good deed from others that we are willing to show them.

A READY TO FORGIVE INJUSTICES: Forgiving one another, if any of you have a grievance against another. As long as we are in this world, where there is so much corruption in our hearts and so much cause for differences and contentions, quarrels will happen from time to time, even among God's elect, who are holy and beloved, as happened with Paul and Barnabas, when there was so serious a quarrel between them that they separated from each other (Acts 15:39), and as happened with Peter and Paul (Gal. 2:14). But it is our duty to forgive one another in these situations; not to bear any grudge, but to bear the affront and overlook it. And the reason is: AS CHRIST HAS FORGIVEN US, SO DO YOU ALSO. The consideration that so many transgressions were forgiven by Christ is a good reason for forgiving others. One of the arguments for the divinity of Christ is that He had authority to forgive sins; this is a part of His example that we are obliged to follow if we would be forgiven. FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS, AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS (Matt. 6:12).

Colossians 3:14

Colossians 3:14

LOVE is the capstone of all the building blocks of the moral edifice. It is the fundamental ethical principle and the sum of all moral law.

Love is considered the BOND OF PERFECTION or the belt that holds together the garment which has been put on. Graces and believers are united by agape love (divine love), which is given with the Christ who dwells in them. This is the Christian perfection properly called.

The horizontal relationship must match the vertical relationship. Christ who dwells in the believer gives him His mind and spirit in all things. The "old man" of hatred and enmity is dead. First this love contemplates Christian families, the family of the saints (Rom. 12:13; Gal. 6:10), those who are of the Christian fellowship. After this, love is directed to those outside, that is, the world of unbelievers, in order to draw them into the circle of the elect.

Colossians 3:15

Colossians 3:15

Colossians 3:15 instructs us to let the peace of God act as a judge in our hearts.

Many people do not enjoy peace because they are outside of God's will. They follow their own instincts instead of following what God determines. They do what they feel like doing or what they think is right instead of obeying God's Word and being guided by peace.

Sometimes we have to make a decision or trust someone and at that moment we feel discomfort within ourselves, when we follow these people or make certain decisions. Later we discover why we feel that discomfort and that is when things start to go wrong. And we are left wondering: why did not the Lord warn me? For some reason He chose not to do so. The word says that we should be guided by peace. Many times that is all He will give you so that you know whether or not you are within His will. Later you will know why, or perhaps you will never know.

Be guided by peace. Do not buy something, especially a big-ticket purchase, if you do not feel peace about it. No matter how much you want it, you will regret it if you act against the Holy Spirit’s leading. Take time to acknowledge God in all your ways, and He will make your paths straight (see Proverbs 3:6).

Colossians 3:18

Colossians 3:18

Even though male and female are one in Christ, it is proper for a wife to submit to her husband, since Adam was formed first, and then Eve. Even the Son is subject to His Father (1 Cor. 15:28).
Submission means loyalty. The union of husband and wife is modeled on the divine relationship between Christ and the church.
The wife’s faithfulness and submission presuppose the husband’s love.
But this submission should not be as to a strict master or absolute tyrant, who has the right to do his will without restriction, but to the husband, with whom she has the most intimate relationship, and who is also under strict obligations.
As is fitting in the Lord and is fitting for the relationship, and what they are compelled to do, as an example of obedience to Christ’s authority and law.

Colossians 3:19

Colossians 3:19

Husbands, love your wives and never be harsh, Colossians 3:19.
How many disagreements could be avoided if couples applied what the Bible teaches to their lives. There would be no need for counseling with a pastor.

Love for one's wife is the noblest love (Agape), which is also due to God. DO NOT BE HARSH, or be angry with her, or be rude to her; do not be rude to her, this is a counsel out of consideration for the weaker vessel (1 Thess. 4:3-5; 1 Peter 4:7). Love suppresses irritation, bitterness, orders, and selfishness. The new life in Christ transforms the home. In the Pauline view, the relationship between husband and wife is mutually respectful and peaceful.

Her husband to love her with an affectionate and faithful feeling, as Christ loved the church, and His own body, and even himself (Eph. 5:25,28,33), with a love peculiar to the most intimate relationship, and greatest comfort and blessing of life.

Colossians 3:20

Colossians 3:20

Children must be willing to obey all their legal commands and be guided by them as those who have a natural right and are better prepared to guide them than they are themselves. The apostle (Eph. 6:2) requires them to honor and obey their parents; they must respect them and treat them with honor.

Their obedience must proceed from the esteem and conceit of their mind. And this is pleasing to God, or acceptable to Him; for this is the first commandment with promise (Eph. 6:2), with an explicit promise attached to it, namely, THAT IT MAY GO WELL WITH THEM, AND THEY MAY LIVE A LONG TIME ON EARTH (Eph. 6:3). Obedient and respectful children have the best chance of prospering in the world and enjoying a long life. Parents should be loving, and children shall be obedient.

Colossians 3:21

Colossians 3:21

Parents are advised to use restraint and wisdom in discipline, so as not to cause their children to LOSE COURAGE.

DO NOT PROVOKE - This means importunity as a habit. On the contrary, parents should give all responsible encouragement for the growth and development of their children.

Do not allow your authority over them to be exercised with rigor and severity, but with kindness and gentleness, lest you provoke their anger and discourage them in their duties, and by holding the reins too tightly you make them rage with greater ferocity.

The ill-temper and example of unwise parents often prove to be a great hindrance to children and a stumbling block in their path (Eph. 6:4).

It is through the tenderness of parents and the obedience and respect of children that God supplies in an orderly manner His church with a seed to serve Him and to spread the gospel from generation to generation.

Colossians 3:23

Colossians 3:23

Do it diligently, not idly and carelessly; or: Do it cheerfully, not discontented with the providence of God which places you in this work. AS UNTO THE LORD, AND NOT UNTO MEN. The work of the servant is sanctified when it is done unto God — with an eye to His glory, and in obedience to his authority, and not merely unto men.

Note — We are truly fulfilling our obligation to God when we are faithful in fulfilling our obligation to people. And for the encouragement of servants, they need to know that a good and faithful servant is never far from Heaven by the fact that he is a servant: KNOWING FROM THE LORD YOU WILL RECEIVE THE INHERITANCE AS YOUR REWARD, BECAUSE YOU SERVING THE LORD CHRIST (v.24). In serving your masters according to Christ’s command, you serve Christ, and He will be your paymaster: you will have a glorious reward at the end. Though you are servants now, you will receive the inheritance of sons.

Colossians 4:2

Colossians 4:2

Once again the apostle unites PRAYER with THANKSGIVING, because all good things come from God.
TO DEVOTE to prayer is to persevere, he emphasizes the need for the Christian to remain in a constant attitude of communion with God (Rom 12:12). Prayer is also united with WATCHING, as Jesus exhorted the disciples in the garden of Gethsemane (Mt 26:41). WE DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH OURSELVES, WHICH WOULD BE DEPRESSING; WE DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH SATAN, WHICH WOULD DISTRACT US; WE DO NOT HAVE TO WATCH OUR SINS, WHICH WOULD BE DISCOURAGING; BUT WE MUST KEEP OUR EYES FIXED ON CHRIST, LOOKING AT JESUS.
THANKSGIVING - It is important, because Paul mentions it frequently. It is the chief means of developing love and appreciation for Christ and all that he has done for us. It also serves to keep ever before us our dependence upon Him.

Colossians 4:3

Colossians 4:3

PRAY FOR US TOO - People should pray specifically for their ministers and constantly bring them to the throne of grace. It is as if the apostle Paul said, "Hey, do not forget us whenever you are praying" (Eph. 6:19; 1 Thess. 5:25; Heb. 13:18).

THAT GOD MAY OPEN ToO US A DOOR FOR THE WORD - Other translations say: THAT GOD WILL GIVE US OPPORTUNITIES TO SPEAK ABOUT CHRIST. Although the spread of the Gospel is under divine direction, it is also subject to satanic obstacles (1 Thess. 2:18). It may also be that Paul wanted to be released from prison, if it were God's will. But whether imprisoned or released, he will still speak of the mystery of Christ. Paul is not a coward. His prayer is for the removal of every obstacle to the fulfillment of his commission. Because of preaching he was in prison.

Let us pray for our leaders in Christ, they need us to pray for them. So that they can develop the best work for the honor and glory of the Lord.

Colossians 4:5

Colossians 4:5

Praying alone is not enough. The gospel must be lived. Example and influence are important. Verse 1 speaks about Christian conduct within the Christian community. Likewise, verse 5 speaks about the conduct of the Christian toward those outside the Christian community.

CONDUCT WISELY is to behave tactfully. The phrase TOWARD OUTSIDERS is rich in meaning. It reveals Paul's lament, his sense of mission, and his driving force. This is the secret of his tactics and power of persuasion over unbelievers. He makes people realize that he loves them. Here is the soul of the evangelist and the missionary exposed.

MAKING THE MOST OF THE TIME means that we should not miss any opportunity to witness. It suggests that "timing" (a detailed chronology of any process; the distribution of time for the different tasks to be performed) in this important work is fundamental. The Christian must seize the initiative. It is especially appropriate for our day that time is running out for us to do this redemptive work. Paul was evangelizing all the time. In the Colossian situation, where false teachings were rampant, he urged believers to take advantage of the situation and spread the truth—and precisely because THE DAYS ARE EVIL.

Colossians 4:6

Colossians 4:6

Even ordinary things are affected by our being in Christ. Our speech must be worthy of Christ.
Paul reveals that ethical holiness is the fruit of properly understanding and experiencing Christ. He shows that living with integrity is evidence of correct teaching (1:7-8). The new life in Christ supplants the old life of sin.
Let all our speech be in keeping with true Christianity, according to our confession—gracious, discreet, and appropriate.

One answer is appropriate for one person, and another for another (Prov. 26:4,5). We need much wisdom and grace to give the proper answers to each person, especially to the adversary who is against our faith, presenting the reasons for our faith and showing the irrationality of their objections and sophistries.
Always be prepared to make a defense to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you, yet do it with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15).

Colossians 4:12

Colossians 4:12

In verses 4:17 to 18 we have the FAREWELLS. These verses speak of the intimate fellowship of believers. Each one is consumed with the same interests; there is mutual and deep consideration for one another, as indicated by words such as ENCOURAGE (8), FERVE (12), BELOVED (14).
Paul shows clear truths about the spirit of these men. They were full of faithfulness (7), love (9), forgiveness (10), prayer and devotion (12), and zeal (13).
Paul also reveals elements of worship in the early church. They met in homes (15). They read the Bible (16), offered fervent prayers (12), and ministered to one another in the Christian circle according to each one’s ability (8, 14).
They were men consumed with a sense of mission and destiny. They were called (17), sent (8), servants (deacons, 12), and responsible for redemptive matters (12, 17), even being imprisoned (10).
There were intercessors, doctors, preachers, donors, messengers, servants, and sufferers.
The greetings are noble and affectionate, adapted to each person mentioned.
The letter is signed by Paul himself and written with his own hand (18). There is a simple request and a final prayer that the highest and best that God has to offer may be theirs.