Bible study Daily, explanation and encouragement - 2 Chronicles
- Understand that God fully occupies the universe. Know that nothing we can build can contain you; the most we can do is reflect His glory.
- Identify your nation's sins by confessing them as if they were yours.
- Repent and humiliate yourself. Seek the face of God to restore your blessing and believe with all your heart that He will answer your cry.
- Keep yourself from proud in order to succeed. Be sure that pride will bring you to ruin (2 Chronicles 26:16-20).
In the Spirit, prayer becomes intercessory. Anyone filled with the Spirit of God becomes an intercessor.
We need to see prayer as ministry. In the Bible, the secret ministry of prayer was the secret of ministry.
Prayer is the highest of ministries!
In the Scriptures, the higher a man's ministry, the more he is a man of prayer or she is a woman of prayer.
Think of Abraham, Moses, Samuel, David, Elijah and all the Old Testament prophets. Zechariah, Simeon, Jesus and all the men of the New Testament.
The Bible is the biography of men of God who were mighty in prayer and who changed the face of the earth because they constantly sought the face of God.
Prayer for them was not a secondary ministry. For them it was the ministry of ministries.
May God bless you warrior of God! It is our time and time to move forward PRAYING and opening the heavens with our worship!
- God's revelation in Exodus 17 as “The Lord, my flag” (that is, “my victory” or “my miracle”) ensures victory for God's people forever.
- Victory in spiritual battles comes as we allow the Lord to fight for us.
- Trust in the wisdom, strength and ability of the Lord when you are facing spiritual opposition.
- Be sure that this is the fastest way to victory.
- Give yourself to the Lord when the wicked create barriers or manifest attitudes of persecution.
- Be sure that the man who is finite cannot prevail against God.
- Announce the presence of the Lord. Count on His presence when you have to face any opposition.
- Know that the battle is not yours, but His !!!
Trust the Lord in your battle and He will fight it for you!
- What does it mean to have a heart totally dedicated to God? It does not mean acting perfectly; it means having a sincere desire to do what is right and to please Him.
- People with a perfect heart really love God, although they themselves are imperfect. They may make mistakes or lose their temper. But when they do that, they quickly repent and set things right with God again. If they offend someone, they humble themselves and ask for forgiveness.
- When we have hearts totally dedicated to God, He considers us perfect and works with us as this characteristic becomes more and more real in our lives.
- Keep working on the things you need to change in your life, and while you are focused on this, keep your perfect heart totally dedicated to God.
No revival is possible without honoring the Word of God. This was a systematic study of the message, from the part of the Old Testament that is called the Pentateuch, composed of the five books of Moses. Each Levite had its own copy, and indicates that they may have been rare. This was the beginning of religious education outside the home and the temple. It is the only record of this type of mission, where the law was also taught, albeit under different circumstances.
There are important spiritual truths in verses 1-10.
- A man followed in the footsteps of a good father,
- Religious faith was decidedly maintained despite opposition,
- Prosperity followed fidelity,
- Sometimes, a man must destroy something so that he can reconstruct it,
- A devout man must share his faith.
This chapter can be divided in 3 parts:
1- Prayer
2- God's answer
3- Liberation
- PRAYER - (20: 5-13)
In times of crisis, prayer is a source of strength capable of reminding us of previous experiences in which we were helped by God. The king and his people faced the kind of dilemma that we all face more than once in our lives: AND WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT WE NEED TO DO. But he also had the resources to solve the problem. This means is available to every true servant of God: our eyes are on YOU. - GOD'S ANSWER (20:14-19)
When God's people pray with sincerity, God answers. Sometimes it is necessary to initially pray and then undertake all natural human effort.
"The battle is the Lord's"; this was an encouraging thought presented to King Jehoshaphat in verses 14-20. They would face the enemy without fear or astonishment. Deliverance was promised by the hand of God, and not by any other means. The reward of faith is security and success. - LIBERATION (20:20-30)
This was a holy war. Instead of the ark, the Levites led the army and sang the beauty of holiness and the unchanging love of their God. As the Lord had promised, Judah did not have to fight. An internal dispute arose between the soldiers who would attack them, and they fought against each other. None escaped!
When facing problems, we should run to God instead of going after people. We should seek God instead of our own opinion or the opinion of others. God can direct someone by bringing advice, but we should always pray to God first to show that we honor and trust Him above anything else.
Everyone was praying, so the answer reached everyone!
God is mindful of protecting His own people! David said, "This day the LORD will deliver you into my hand, and I will strike you down ... and that all this assembly may know that the LORD saves not with sword and spear; for the battle is the LORD'S and he will give you into our hand (1 Samuel 17:46-47).
Human effort in Israel's war was controlled by divine POWER.
In this battle, you will not need to fight in this battle; take your position, stand still, and see the victory of the LORD on your behalf (2 Chronicles 20:17).
TRUST THE LORD! in all these things we are more than conquerors through Jesus who loved us (Romans 8:37).
The corona virus is a test to wake up humanity. It is a test who cares about their neighbor or who only thinks of their own interests. Who wants to become rich at the expense of neighbor and ruthless enough to kill to get what he wants. It is God who reveals and can overcome this disease.
- Faith is rooted in confidence of the testimony of God recorded in the Scriptures and enlightened by the Holy Spirit.
- To grow in faith, it is necessary to opt for acceptance and attachment to the testimony of the scriptures, becoming loyal to it.
- Develop a Spiritual Vision: Choose to believe the Bible as God's word in the absolute sense.
- Trust what she witnesses about the nature, character, and promises of God.
- Believe in those who proclaim the word of God.
- Use and believe in praise as a powerful and efficient spiritual weapon.
We have in this 2 Chronicles 20 a lesson on THE POWER OF PRAYER. Judah was challenged by mortal enemies, Moab and Ammon.
The people seek God in prayer and believe in the Lord, their God (2 Chronicles 20:1-14)
Then they hear the prophet's words: “FEAR NOT ... for the battle is not yours but God's (verse 15)
The order was: “GIVE THANKS TO THE LORD,
The result of this powerful praise was a complete victory!
God is enthroned among the praises of his people. Whatever the situation or the time if God's people praise the Lord, God reigns and does great things for his people.
In this time of corona virus and Covid-19, the task of Christians is to invoke and praise POWERFULLY THE LORD GOD. Then the victory over satan will be complete.
God's revelation in Exodus 17 as THE LORD, MY FLAG (that is, MY VICTORY or MY MIRACLE) ensures victory for God's people forever.
Victory in spiritual battles comes as we allow the Lord to fight for us.
This is the meaning of trusting that the Lord will fight our battle and that we will still be there to contemplate HIS deliverance.
- Trust in the wisdom, strength and ability of the Lord when you are facing spiritual opposition.
- Be sure that this is the fastest way to victory!
- Give yourself to the Lord when the wicked create barriers or manifest attitudes of persecution.
- Man is finite, he cannot prevail against God.
- Announce the presence of the Lord. Count on His presence when you have to face any opposition.
- Know that the battle is not yours, but His!
Trust your battle to the Lord and He will fight it for you!
2 Chronicles 32:7-8

- Victory in spiritual battles comes as we allow the Lord to fight for us.
- Trust in the Lord's wisdom, strength, and ability when you are facing spiritual opposition. Be sure that this is the fastest way to victory.
- Want the Lord's presence. Count on His presence when you have to face any opposition.
- Know that the battle is not yours, but His. TRUST YOUR BATTLE TO THE LORD AND HE WILL FIGHT FOR YOU 2 chronicles 20:15-20.
- God bless you! The Lord of hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our refuge !!!
Notice in 2 Chronicles 32:31 that God left Hezekiah "to test him and to know all that was in his heart."
Do not be discouraged if you feel that there are times when God leaves you "on his own" when you do not notice His presence and do not even hear His voice.
Sometimes He is silent and becomes seemingly imperceptible, just to see if we remain faithful to Him.
Decide right now to always be faithful, both in difficult times and in good times.